WISR Reporter 1.0

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WISR Reporter 1.0

Post by Loem »

This began as nothing but a personal project in Achaea designed for my alt. After a few friends seemed legitimately interested, and the fact that I had to request outside help, I figured I'd offer it up to the community. So this is my WISR Reporter.
(Each of the WISR reporter's tabbed outputs in order from left to right)
It's a fairly simple tabbed window that outputs who is in a room, what items are in a room, a listing of the total sips you have left for each potion, and a listing of what Rites are in a room. It updates in realtime based off movement, Look and QL actions, the Elist skill, and the Rites skill.

The first tab is for who is in a room. Straightforward, and updates on move (your movement or if you're following someone) and Look/QL.

The second tab is for room items. This is again straightforward, listing the items of a room with the same triggers as the first tab. The items are reported by name, not ID, and include mobs.

The third tab is for reporting your total sips per potion. It updates when Elist is used. Alchemical and Forestal potions are combined and supported - so if you have a vial of vitality and a vial of health, the sips reporter will be both of those combined. If you only have one type, it will still calculate the sips and report in the same manner. If you don't have any of any type of a certain potion (say you have no speed or haste), then it will simply report as 0 for Speed/Haste.

The fourth is for Rites. It updates when the Rites ability is used, and is split between Rites owned by you and Rites owned by anyone else. Rites are reported as <Rite name> - <time left>.

- Achaea, though you might be able to modify it for other MUDs.
-The Sips reporting tab requires the Lists skill in Vision to function.
-The Rites reporting tab requires the Rites skill in Devotion to function.

To install simply import it through the package importer. Then to configure it you want to go to:
Triggers > WISR Reporter Box > Rites Gate > Rites capture Trigger
Where it says "Tessa" you'll want to put your character's name.

If you wish to move it to another portion of your screen (since it's configured to nestle within my own GUI), open up:
Triggers > WISR Reporter Box > Login Creation
You''ll see:
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
--      WISR Reporter - by Loem

info_container_backdrop = Geyser.Label:new({
  name = "info_container_backdrop",
  x=0, y="50%",
  width = 190, height="50%",
Just change x=0 and y=50% to move the entire thing!

There are a few minor bugs:
-Anything that exceeds the height of the box will be cut off (Rare for people, most common for items). Not sure how to remedy it, or if it's even worth the time to do so.
-The first tab (Who) only triggers off the Look or QL command, not Who Here. The second tab (Items) only triggers off the Look or QL command, not Info Here. I may or may not remedy this in the future. It is a bit more work than it's worth.

Feel free to use or alter this as you see fit. I only request credit if you utilize the majority of my work. Thank you, and thanks to Jor'Mox, Melodie and Nellaundra for the help.
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Last edited by Loem on Tue Sep 24, 2013 2:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: WISR Reporter 1.0

Post by Akaya »

That looks pretty clean! Good work! I'm assuming its for Achaea?

I had a few ideas that might help fix your minor bugs...
Loem wrote:-Anything that exceeds the height of the box will be cut off (Rare for people, most common for items). Not sure how to remedy it, or if it's even worth the time to do so.
You can send everything to a miniconsole. This way you have the ability to scroll back if the list is too long, rather than having it cut off.
Loem wrote:-The first tab (Who) only triggers off the Look or QL command, not Who Here. The second tab (Items) only triggers off the Look or QL command, not Info Here. I may or may not remedy this in the future. It is a bit more work than it's worth.
Items can be tracked via gmcp. This can make it an event based system that updates automatically.

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Re: WISR Reporter 1.0

Post by Loem »

Thank you! And yes I failed to mention that this is for Achaea (will remedy that in a moment).
Akaya wrote:
Loem wrote:-Anything that exceeds the height of the box will be cut off (Rare for people, most common for items). Not sure how to remedy it, or if it's even worth the time to do so.
You can send everything to a miniconsole. This way you have the ability to scroll back if the list is too long, rather than having it cut off.
I honestly started with miniconsoles, but ran into problems going from tables to MCs in the way I wanted, and went with labels instead. Not really that skilled in Lua. Most of this came from a research-as-I-went deal.
Akaya wrote:Items can be tracked via gmcp. This can make it an event based system that updates automatically.
I actually am using gmcp for the reporting. Apparently it doesn't count Info Here and Who Here. At least it didn't during testing.

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Re: WISR Reporter 1.0

Post by icesteruk »

it gets info here .
Code: [show] | [select all] lua

local list = gmcp.Char.Items.List
	if list.location == "room" then
system.items = system.items or {}
system.items.mob = {}
system.items.room = {}

for i, item in ipairs(list.items) do
if item.attrib == "m" or item.attrib == "Wm" then
table.insert(system.items.mob, {name = item.name,id = item.id})
is similar code I use in Aetolia for catching mobs in room through gmcp (it does capture everything)

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Re: WISR Reporter 1.0

Post by Elstone »

How do I enlarge the text to a size I can see? Am very nearsighted. Tried adding font-size: with such variations as 14/large/14px ; and restarting mudlet and looking without seeing a font size change. Thank you.

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Re: WISR Reporter 1.0

Post by Elstone »

How do I change font size to where I can see it please?
background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0);
font: bold;
font-size: 14;
qproperty-alignment: 'AlignTop';
qproperty-wordWrap: true;
did not work, nor using 14px or large or larger and such.

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