Whats Your Gui Look like?

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Re: Whats Your Gui Look like?

Post by Vadi »

Quite nice, once again

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Re: Whats Your Gui Look like?

Post by Glass »

Hi Vadi! Sorry we didn't collaborate over that graphic thing.

Life intervened in a big way, also for some reason the password for my old forum account isn't what I remember it being. :(

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Re: Whats Your Gui Look like?

Post by Vadi »

I'm still up for it actually. Didn't find a better artist to do it yet. Just get an IM account that works :roll:

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Re: Whats Your Gui Look like?

Post by Naito »

I'm trying to work on my GUI and currently I'm using 'Labels' for my Affliction tracker(Which is slower then a MiniConsole)

I was wondering what the code would look like for making a MiniConsole that can have text added and removed to it when needed. Like if I was afflicted with 'Aeon' it would show up on the miniconsole then when it's cured it would be removed from the console... but I need it to be able to have more then one text on the MiniConsole at once and be able to take off selective Text each time...

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Re: Whats Your Gui Look like?

Post by Iocun »

Naito wrote:I'm trying to work on my GUI and currently I'm using 'Labels' for my Affliction tracker(Which is slower then a MiniConsole)

I was wondering what the code would look like for making a MiniConsole that can have text added and removed to it when needed. Like if I was afflicted with 'Aeon' it would show up on the miniconsole then when it's cured it would be removed from the console... but I need it to be able to have more then one text on the MiniConsole at once and be able to take off selective Text each time...
Ok, first you need to set up the miniconsole. I tend to set up all of my gui elements in an init() function that is called only a single time, when I connect to the Mud:
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
function init()
	winX, winY = getMainWindowSize()
	createMiniConsole("aff_display", winX-200, 20, 180, 300)
	setBackgroundColor("aff_display", 150, 150, 150, 255)
	setMiniConsoleFontSize( "aff_display", 10 )
	setFgColor("aff_display", 0, 0, 0)
	setBgColor("aff_display", 150, 150, 150)

Then you need a function to refresh the window:
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
function refreshAffs()
	for k,v in pairs(afflictions) do
		echo("aff_display", k.."\n")
This expects you to have a table called afflictions, which contains all your current afflictions in the form:
afflictions = {stupidity=true, paralysis=true, clumsiness=true, recklessness=true}

If you save your afflictions in a different matter, you'll have to adapt this somewhat.

Now you merely need to call refreshAffs() whenever you are afflicted or have cured something, i.e. whenever you make any change to the table "afflictions".

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Re: Whats Your Gui Look like?

Post by Omni »

Unfinished, but I still love it
Unfinished, but I still love it

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Re: Whats Your Gui Look like?

Post by Vadi »

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Re: Whats Your Gui Look like?

Post by Calixa »

Tried downloading that multiple times now Vadi, but keep getting a corrupted file.

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Re: Whats Your Gui Look like?

Post by Vadi »

Fixed the link. Best viewed with VLC on windows.

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Re: Whats Your Gui Look like?

Post by Yetzederixx »

I just started to work with console windows, so here's the start of my GUI (well the prompt is actually a cecho) which was initially a method to reduce clutter as there was at least 10 prompts in there I really don't care about seeing all the time.


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