FR: more right-click/context options, etc.

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FR: more right-click/context options, etc.

Post by abathur »

I finally got frustrated with some minor issues in the terminal I've been using for the past decade but for which development ended a few years back--so I was quite pleased to find mudlet under current development. Mudlet does a *fantastic* job of covering the function base of my former client (RoAClient,) while also providing a vastly more robust scripting system; nonetheless, I missed a few small features, so I figured I'd cherrypick them here:

A right-click in RoA allowed access to the expected copy function, but also to do things like select all of the mud's output, send selected text directly to the MUD as input, as well as the ability to save selected text to a file (retroactive logging, essentially). Some of these are of little importance, but I found the ability to select all of the existing output and save it to a log with a couple clicks almost infinitely useful. Also present is an always-on-top toggle, which isn't frequently necessary, but can occasionally be useful.

The other main tricks I like are pop-out versions of the input buffer and multi-line input windows. The input buffer makes it easy to scroll WAY back through input and find a specific line if necessary (old input lines could be sent directly to the MUD, or just be placed in the input line. With the pop-out multi-line input window--while it's possible to simulate this function with the convenient notepad+copy/paste in mudlet--it'd be nice here to just add a button that can send whatever's in the notepad to the MUD (and close the notepad,) to save that copy/paste step.

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