Howto: Get Mudlet on a raspberry pi!

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Re: Howto: Get Mudlet on a raspberry pi!

Post by Vadi »

gotcha. Trial run? :)

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Re: Howto: Get Mudlet on a raspberry pi!

Post by Kurtzisa »

Vadi wrote:
Sat Sep 03, 2022 8:52 am
gotcha. Trial run? :)
not yet, my pi is still compiling agent DVR so 100% cpu usage. i try to figure how to move my windows mudlet configuration to raspberry and i use a 7w pi to play instead of my "Master Race" PC 8-) . Energy current is not cheap anymore

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Re: Howto: Get Mudlet on a raspberry pi!

Post by Vadi »

Yep that would work. See ... file_paths for moving your stuff over

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Re: Howto: Get Mudlet on a raspberry pi!

Post by Kurtzisa »

I blow up Everything!

so i reinstalled Raspbian bullseye 64 bit.

on point "1.a Install apt dependencies" the metapackage qt5-default is not in bullseye, but it seems not important, you can install all the package instead, the solution is here ... untu-21-04

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install build-essential git liblua5.1-dev zlib1g-dev libhunspell-dev libpcre3-dev \
  libzip-dev libboost-graph-dev libyajl-dev libpulse-dev lua-rex-pcre lua-filesystem lua-zip \
  lua-sql-sqlite3 qt5-default qtmultimedia5-dev qttools5-dev luarocks ccache libpugixml-dev cmake
there is a "\" character, it's a typo i presume.


Next sterp is "how to use mapper"

Great job!

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Re: Howto: Get Mudlet on a raspberry pi!

Post by Ichalter »

With Raspberry PI OS (Bookworm) and Ubuntu 23.10 on a Raspberry Pi 5 I had to make some adjustments to the dependencies to get it to compile and run without any warnings:

Follow the normal instructions on "Compiling_on_Raspberry_Pi_OS" on the wiki (the forum wont let me post the url...)

Make these changes to the 1.a and 1.b dependency installation sections:
Change: lua-rex-pcre => lua-rex-pcre2
Change qt5-default => qt5-assistant
Add: sudo luarocks install Lrexlib-pcre

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