Generic Mapping Script

All and any discussion and development of the Mudlet Mapper.
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Re: Generic Mapping Script

Post by Vadi »

You would need to capture the exits yourself and then raise the on new room event manually.

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Re: Generic Mapping Script

Post by pakhibirdy »

Well, I managed to capture the exits automatically. But the problem now is, it is capturing the exits of the previous room.

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Re: Generic Mapping Script

Post by wolfgoesmoo »

Hi Jor'Mox,

I'm trying to set up the script for Legends of Terris (Server:, Port: 31000, have to turn off TLS to connect). If that IP doesn't work it's because the connection info is DNS rather than IP-based and the IP changed. The editor wouldn't let me submit a post with the address in it.

In Terris, there are rooms like this:
Northern Gate of Devardec
The large gates leading out of Devardec loom overhead. Made from white
stone with brass armament points, the walls and top of the gate have a
few nicks in them. The domes of the gate are coated in gold leaf.
Several guards stand in a group, conferring with each other while
watching the gate.
There is a shimmering portal to the northwest
Obvious Exits: North South SouthEast
There is a sign here

Shimmering portals are essentially normal exits except that they are level-limited (so if you are too low or too high level, you won't be able to pass through). I think I figured out that I needed to set an exit string like this:

Code: Select all

^There is a shimmering portal to the (.*)
But sometimes if I head to the Northwest and then return to the southeast it keeps adding a series of rooms to in that nw/se stretch endlessly. Is this because it's capturing the exits twice? Any help understanding this would be appreciated!

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Re: Generic Mapping Script

Post by Zoticus »

Daagar wrote:
Mon Jan 20, 2020 3:29 pm
Way late to the party, but @Zoticus - check out the ASUI interface available for Asteria. It contains a modified mapping script (not this one) specific to Asteria that might solve all your issues.
Super late to this - I stopped using the Mudlet forums when I started using the Discord more regularly :oops: - but, I'm Durd from Asteria, and I'm the guy behind ASUI. Super glad to hear you're pointing others to it, though! When I was using the Generic Mapper for Asteria, Greg hadn't yet put GMCP in, so the map script ASUI currently uses wouldn't have been viable.



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Re: Generic Mapping Script

Post by davidwiththenicehat »

I am working on a mapping system for a game that the generic script would not work for.
When I can I refer to the generic mapper for an overall method.
The functions map.import_area and map.export_area, export portals to user data. I attempted to follow the logic, had seen that the portals get mapped to special exits. I can see special exits appear to get exported and imported separately.

In short, I don't understand portal exits. Does anyone with an understanding have some time to share their knowledge?


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Re: Generic Mapping Script

Post by Vadi »

They're special exits - that is, ones you use a command to through instead of the usual cardinal command.

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Re: Generic Mapping Script

Post by davidwiththenicehat »

Do you happen to know why the generic mapper stores portals as userdata?
Specifically how those exits would not have already been backed up as special exits?

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Re: Generic Mapping Script

Post by Vadi »

I'm afraid I don't - Jor'mox would know.

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Re: Generic Mapping Script

Post by Tehuti »

Hello, I've been having problems using the map ignore command. I've tried to use just a portion of the line I want ignored to get the whole line ignored, but instead the command just causes the mapper to ignore the portion I put in.


pattern to ignore: You walk westward.

I've tried using "You walk", but the mapper would pick up "westward" as the room name.

I've tried using a regex function to capture all of the different iterations of that pattern, but map ignore does not work with regex.

So I am wondering, do I have to actually input in every single type of iteration on the "You walk <directionward>" pattern to get it to stop considering the direction I moved as the room name?

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Re: Generic Mapping Script

Post by Vadi »

The ignore command uses Lua patterns, so try

Code: Select all

map ignore ^You walk .+

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