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Re: Newbie Multi-Line Trigger

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 6:54 pm
by Zaphob
While I was using the above trigger for many years now to great success, I recently noticed it would fail with single lines.

There is a detailed description of the perceived problems and tested solutions in the github issue:

Afterwards, Edru was kind enough to code a new set of triggers to work with single and multiple lined texts:

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE MudletPackage>
<MudletPackage version="1.001">
		<Trigger isActive="yes" isFolder="no" isTempTrigger="no" isMultiline="no" isPerlSlashGOption="no" isColorizerTrigger="no" isFilterTrigger="no" isSoundTrigger="no" isColorTrigger="no" isColorTriggerFg="no" isColorTriggerBg="no">
			<name>Kerbholz start</name>
			<script>KerbholzText = ""
properEnd = nil</script>
				<string>Du richtest Dein Kerbholz auf</string>
			<Trigger isActive="yes" isFolder="no" isTempTrigger="no" isMultiline="no" isPerlSlashGOption="no" isColorizerTrigger="no" isFilterTrigger="no" isSoundTrigger="no" isColorTrigger="no" isColorTriggerFg="no" isColorTriggerBg="no">
				<script>KerbholzText = KerbholzText .. matches[1]</script>
					<string>(Du richtest Dein Kerbholz auf )?([^.]+)</string>
			<Trigger isActive="yes" isFolder="no" isTempTrigger="no" isMultiline="no" isPerlSlashGOption="no" isColorizerTrigger="no" isFilterTrigger="no" isSoundTrigger="no" isColorTrigger="no" isColorTriggerFg="no" isColorTriggerBg="no">
				<name>Kerbholz proper end</name>
				<script>setTriggerStayOpen( "Kerbholz start", 0 )
KerbholzText = KerbholzText:gsub("\n", "")
echo("Trigger content is ")
properEnd = true
					<string>.*es passiert nichts\.$</string>
			<Trigger isActive="yes" isFolder="no" isTempTrigger="no" isMultiline="no" isPerlSlashGOption="no" isColorizerTrigger="no" isFilterTrigger="no" isSoundTrigger="no" isColorTrigger="no" isColorTriggerFg="no" isColorTriggerBg="no">
				<name>Kerbolz different end</name>
				<script>if not properEnd then
  echo("\nTrigger endend differently. Clearing Trigger content\n")
  KerbholzText = nil
  setTriggerStayOpen( "Kerbholz start", 0 )
(Which was still a bit rough on the edges, for example as this very text seems to end in full stop followed by another space character, etc.) Plus:
Edru wrote: Maybe it would be smarter to check if the end is proper differently by getting rid of the Kerbholz proper end trigger and change the different end pattern to just a

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and add this in that triggers code section

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setTriggerStayOpen( "Kerbholz start", 0 )
KerbholzText = KerbholzText:gsub("\n", "")

if KerbholzText:match("es passiert nichts$") then
    echo("Trigger content is ")
    KerbholzText = nil
    echo("\nTrigger endend differently. Clearing Trigger content\n")
like this it will also match if the trigger with

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in new line
The end goal should be a set of generic trigger templates that can be adjusted easily and used for many different texts quickly.

Maybe put a global TRIGGER table with each having a few small functions like match_start and match_end plus name, length, captured text, etc.