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Mudlet eats line?

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:47 pm
by Zaphob
I saw a strange behavior. When I log in to my mud, then log in again, the last line (asking for my player name) will not be shown in time.

Here is how to do it:
* New profile
* Address: - Port 23
* Connect
* Notice the last few lines
* Last line asks for player name: Wie heisst Du denn ("neu" fuer neuen Spieler)?
* Enter: gast
* Abort and reconnect again (Alt + R)
* Notice the last few lines
* The line asking for player name does not show !
* Enter: gast
* The line asking for player name is shown only now, and it seems to have come before the name was entered. Next line is concatenated immerdiately
* Debug console confirms this behavior

As I said, this was a brand new profile. What am I missing here?

Re: Mudlet eats line?

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 9:57 pm
by Vadi
Seems to be a regression in 3.0.0-beta. Thanks, we'll have a look.

Re: Mudlet eats line?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 7:50 pm
by chris
I checked this out. The entire string is being sent, but it not being displayed because it doesn't end in \n, \xff, or \r with the subsequent connection attempts.

This is the string being processed:
>>> MorgenGrauen, hosted by NetCologne ( <<<\n\nDu verlierst die Besinnung...\n\nDu tauchst in einen Strudel bunter Farben ein.\nEin kleiner gruener Steinbeisser erscheint.\n\nDer Steinbeisser sagt:\n 'Willkommen im MorgenGrauen.'\n 'Dieses Mud befindet sich in Koeln (Deutschland).'\n 'Bei groesseren Problemen kannst Du Dich an den Mudgott'\n 'Zook wenden oder auch eine Email an die'\n 'Adresse "" schreiben.'\n\n 'Wenn Du nur mal reinschnueffeln willst, so nenne Dich "gast".'\n\nDer Steinbeisser warnt Dich:\n 'Wehe, Du faengst an, andere Spieler anzugreifen.'\n\nDer Steinbeisser verschwindet wieder, und Du wachst in einer anderen Welt auf.\n\n
Wie heisst Du denn ("neu" fuer neuen Spieler)?
Mudlet processes triggers/shows the line when a line is completely sent (defined as ending with one of the aforementioned characters)

Re: Mudlet eats line?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 8:19 pm
by Vadi
Need to ask your MUD admins to send the \n's after "Wie heisst Du denn ("neu" fuer neuen Spieler)? " to tell Mudlet the MUD is done sending data and Mudlet can process it.

Re: Mudlet eats line?

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 9:41 pm
by SlySven
Chris wrote:...because it doesn't end in \n, \xff, or \r with...
isn't \r only valid if it is immediately followed by a \n or a NUL; and a \n on its own does not put the cursor back to the start of the next line... :smile:

I may be a bit unclear here but surely in some cases a MUD server will want to use "character" rather than "line mode". Some Dikumuds, I think, do that to show a visual feedback of being "busy" - for instance in conjunction with printing a character then backspacing/deleting it to produce say a spinning busy indicator (animation showing '|','/','-' and '\' in the same place on screen) So perhaps in this case, that MUD server is expecting the user to answer the question on the same line so the sent text is NOT going to end the line with something that moves the cursor down to another line - but I don't fully understand how responding to each key-press rather than line by line is done - I thought it involved Telnet Option 1 (ECHO) but after reading up I wonder about Option 34 (Linemode) - and whether I really understand the Telnet protocol at all :?

What were the Telnet option negotiations that preceded the above string being produced...

Re: Mudlet eats line?

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 11:52 am
by Zaphob
I am not sure I understand your answers correctly, so I will clarify again:

When I first connect to the MUD, everything is fine. I can enter my char's name in the same line as the question prompt. This is deliverately so.

Only when I connect again, I see a different behavior. Also, I only see it when I connect via Mudlet. Other clients will show the same behavior as the first connection.

Is this still a problem on the MUD's side, or on Mudlet's?