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Geyser gauges help

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 10:13 pm
by Silvine
Hi i'm trying to add a few vertical gauges but cant find any code examples to send me on my way. Can anyone point me in the right direction of how to set them up.



Re: Geyser gauges help

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:15 pm
by Sheia
I don't use Geyser yet, but I think you want something like the following:
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
geyserGauge = Geyser.Gauge:new({
      x = "0px", y = "0px",
      width = "200px", height = "20px",
      orientation = "vertical"})
The width and height of the gauge actually makes the gauge vertical, orientation has the gauge fill and empty vertically. Naturally the x and y allow you to decide where you want the gauge to be displayed.

Take a look at Geyser Docs and download GeyserOverview.pdf and GeyserDoc explains the various attributes(right word to use?) you can change with Geyser. I'm new to all this myself, but I hope it helps!

Re: Geyser gauges help

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:54 pm
by Silvine
Thanks, the documentation proved useful. I worked out a solution, its probably a bit confused but it works nicely for me so i thought other beginners might find it useful.
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
-- First make a container to put your guages and Hbox in. I used Hbox because I didnt really like how text displays in the gauge so added a Hbox to dump the text in.

Gcontainer = Geyser.Container:new({
	x=50, y=50,
	width=90, height=250,

-- Then make the Hbox, its really nice cause it just divided itself up equally so no thought required

StatsBox = Geyser.HBox:new({
	x=0, y=0,
	width=90, height=50,

Gcontainer:add(StatsBox) -- Add the box to the container
StatsBox:move(0,200) -- and move it to the bottom below where the gauges will go

-- Create and add the Labels to the Hbox

StatsBoxHealthLabel = Geyser.Label:new({
	format = "cbi", -- centre, bold, italics

StatsBoxHealthLabel:setColor(100,10,10) -- red, green, blue

StatsBoxManaLabel = Geyser.Label:new({
	format = "cbi",


StatsBoxMovLabel = Geyser.Label:new({
	format = "cbi"


-- Now make the gauges

GGaugeHealth = Geyser.Gauge:new({
    x=0, y=0,
    width =30, height =200,
    orientation = "vertical",
	name = "GGaugeHealth",
	format = "cbi",

GGaugemana = Geyser.Gauge:new({
    x=30, y=0,
    width =30, height =200,
    orientation = "vertical",
	name = "GGaugemana",
	format = "cbi"

GGaugemov = Geyser.Gauge:new({
    x=60, y=0,
    width =30, height =200,
    orientation = "vertical",
	name = "GGaugemov",
	format = "cbi"

-- Add them to the container


-- Move the whole lot to where i wanted it. WindowHeight is a variable that contains the height off my main window


-- Set the gauge colours (red, green, blue)

GGaugeHealth:setColor(150, 10, 10)
GGaugemana:setColor(10, 150, 10)
GGaugemov:setColor(10, 10, 150)

-- give the gauges some values, these are obtained from a trigger on the prompt
-- c is current health, mana, move
-- m is max health, mana, move
-- nil is no text on the gauge
-- it works out the maths for you, very handy

GGaugeHealth:setValue(chealth, mhealth,nil)
GGaugemana:setValue(cmana, mmana,nil)
GGaugemov:setValue(cmov, mmov,nil)

-- put the text in the Hbox labels, it understands HTML tags as well

StatsBoxHealthLabel:echo([[<font color="light_goldenrod"></font>]]..chealth..[[<br><br>]]..mhealth..[[<br>]].."HP")
StatsBoxManaLabel:echo([[<font color="light_goldenrod"></font>]]..cmana..[[<br><br>]]..mmana..[[<br>]].."MAN")
StatsBoxMovLabel:echo([[<font color="light_goldenrod"></font>]]..cmov..[[<br><br>]]..mmov..[[<br>]].."MOV")
Simple as that.