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Is there a way to indicate on the map, that a direction leads to another zone?

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 3:06 pm
by jieiku
Is there a way to indicate on the map, that a direction leads to another zone?

I have attached a screenshot:
2019-03-01_07-03.png (2.74 KiB) Viewed 3722 times
as you can see on these rooms, there are east and west directions. When I look at these rooms, it looks to me that I have unmapped exits that I need to go map.

The truth is all these exits are mapped and they lead to different zones. Is there a way that the map can indicate that these exits lead to different zones?

In my screenshot you can see the green circle from one of the exits, that is something I photoshopped in, something as simple as a little dot or circle indicating its leads to another zone would solve this issue for me.

I appreciate any help, thank you.

Re: Is there a way to indicate on the map, that a direction leads to another zone?

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 4:17 pm
by jieiku
I have discovered that you can right click the map and select create label.

You can then use the label to indicate that a direction goes to another zones. In zmud text labels were automatically created at exits that lead to different zones. I am not sure how I feel about manually creating the label, on one hand it gives me more control of its appearance compared to automatically generated ones, but it is also a lot more tedious.

Regardless, I think my green dot on the end of an exit line, indicating that it goes to another zone would be useful, even in conjunction with manually created labels, a small graphical indicator could be created automatically, and then having a label could be something you could manually create or simply just not worry about.

EDIT: In addition I have just attempted to create some text labels, from what I can tell there is no easy way to adjust the properties of the label after creating it, you might find that all the text did not fit into the size label you create, this means you have to delete the label each time you want to try to resize or recolor it, this is VERY TEDIOUS.

I am really hoping there is a way to have or implement automatic indicators that indicate an exit leads to another zone.

EDIT2: I actually somewhat remember what I did in zmud as well. Zmud automatically used a text label to indicate that an exit leads to another zone. I would manually change the name of certain zones to appear shorter, this way the text label for zones would be nice and short.

What Mudlet could actually do is implement a "short name" field for zones. This "short name" if available could be used in place of the full name for text labels at zone entrances/exits.

Re: Is there a way to indicate on the map, that a direction leads to another zone?

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 11:02 pm
by SlySven
If an exit leads to another area there already will be a short exit line in the corresponding direction with an arrowhead in the colour of the destination room - see the yellow circled exit in the first image below: on the 2D map (and a green offset room with a shrunken top panel.
Image of 2D map showing room with an area exit
Image of 2D map showing room with an area exit
Screenshot_20190301_223457.png (28.75 KiB) Viewed 3710 times
Image of 3D map showing room with an area exit
Image of 3D map showing room with an area exit
Screenshot_20190301_223535.png (38.98 KiB) Viewed 3710 times
- the image you showed suggests that those exits are currently stubs (like the blue circled line in the first image - that indicate an exit that you know is there but have not put an exit room in for (on the room exits dialog {or control panel - it is a big one with 12 sets of controls for all the normal exits for the room concerned plus space for the special exits as well!:geek:} the corresponding exit will have a checkbox in the corresponding direction):
Image of 2D map showing exit controls for a stub exit
Image of 2D map showing exit controls for a stub exit
You could do something with a custom exit line for the area exits and/or put in a Map Label - I do agree that the UI for them is absolute crap very poor - it is on the to do list - as although it has been something that needs attention for very much longer. We have been a bit short of tu-its for some time now... ;)

Re: Is there a way to indicate on the map, that a direction leads to another zone?

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 8:07 pm
by jieiku
Excellent, thank you for this information, more for me to tinker with and explore, to get my mapper working I used some code available on github, it may be that the code is not doing all the things that it should be. I also seen in the 3.17 notes that there is a new mapper script available I am going to give it a try as well.