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Issue with 3.3.1 from 2.1

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 6:00 pm
by icester
I normally run 2.1 but recently been venturing into 3.3.1 since the new release!

I have noticed one huge issue with my system and WHO

I run my system on 2.1, quit then run the same system/settings on 3.3.1. I've gone into preferences and redownloaded the GAMEs Map on both 2.1 and 3.3.1 so both fully updated but somehow on 3.3.1 I get this

(H) Within the unformed void (Unknown) - One
(H) A floating expanse in the Void (Unknown) - Cardie
(H) A mystical underground cavern (Unknown) - Rain
(H) Volcanic bedroom (Unknown) - Iriden
(H) A rather overgrown courtyard (Unknown) - Eliadon
Beside a quiet pond in the plains (1678) - Apophis
Curving edge of the abyssal plains (39101) - Estheld, Neron{

but on 2.1 where it says 'Unknown' I would get the name of said AREA.

both 3 and 2 are echoing back perfect

it seems this is messing up

map.areas = map.areas or getAreaTable()


My Main question anyone happen to know why getareaTable() is not being added into map.areas with the above bold code?

Re: Issue with 3.3.1 from 2.1

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 12:06 am
by SlySven
I do not see the line map.areas = map.areas or getAreaTable() in the distributed Mudlet code so I have to assume that that code comes from an installed/downloaded package. What that particular code does is leave map.areas untouched unless it is a lua nil i.e. it does not exist and in that particular situation and only that (not an EMPTY table represented by {} by the way) then map.areas is set to the output of the getAreaTable() function. It might be worth putting in some debugging code to display(map.areas) before and after that line - I bet it is not nil but is otherwise empty before that line...!

Re: Issue with 3.3.1 from 2.1

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 12:57 pm
by icester
["Default Area"] = -1

is whats showing on login, but on 2.1 it shows ALL the areas like

area = 1
place = 2

Re: Issue with 3.3.1 from 2.1

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 2:58 pm
by keneanung
@icester which game/mapping script do you use? Maybe I can have a closer look at it.

Re: Issue with 3.3.1 from 2.1

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 6:58 pm
by icester
the mapping script is my own, game is Aetolia.

I dont understand why from 2.1 to 3.3.1 it should show 2 different things as if I do lua map.areas = getareaTable() it will produce the correct table but otherwise it wont.. but in 2.1 i've never had todo the LUA thing :/

Re: Issue with 3.3.1 from 2.1

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 7:34 pm
by Nyyrazzilyss
I might be completely wrong on this one, but it sounds like you're running into an error with the default area (-1) - I believe this area always exists in 3.x+, so getAreaTable will never return a nil value.


That's likely not it. More likely at the time you execute the getAreaTable command, is perhaps the correct mapfile not yet loaded? Given that you said it's only returning the default area, yet typing the command at the command line (lua ...) at a later point returns the correct information.

Re: Issue with 3.3.1 from 2.1

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 5:23 am
by Vadi
Loading all map data was accidentally disabled in 3.x, but it is something that I've re-enabled in 3.3.1 - getareaTable() should return all data. Are you sure you are trying 3.3.1?

Re: Issue with 3.3.1 from 2.1

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 7:09 am
by keneanung
Are you willing to share the script? Maybe privately? That would make it easier to analyse the problem.