Errors displaying lines

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Errors displaying lines

Post by Sanaki »

Rather odd really. Let's say I send the command to outrift and eat a piece of kelp (Achaea). I get this:

6636h, 6646m, 32080e, 28967w ex-
You remove 1 kelp, bringing the total in the Rift to 1064.
6636h, 6646m, 32080e, 28979w ex-
You may eat another plant.
6636h, 6646m, 32080e, 28985w ex-

Now, upon hitting pageup/pagedown or scrolling, the missing lines appear:

6636h, 6646m, 32080e, 28967w ex-
You remove 1 kelp, bringing the total in the Rift to 1064.
6636h, 6646m, 32080e, 28979w ex-
You eat a piece of kelp.
6636h, 6646m, 32080e, 28979w ex-
You may eat another plant.
6636h, 6646m, 32080e, 28985w ex-

But not until I've attempted to scroll. I have GMCP on and have the IRE.Rift module loaded, which may have something to do with why it's often around those I see it (or at least notice it) if somehow GMCP is involved, but I have seen it in other places as well. Checked debug just to see and nothing shows up when it happens, nor am I seeing any errors in my error console.

Ideas, anyone?

EDIT: Running Mudlet 2.0 rc1-2 January 2011 on Kubuntu 10.10.

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Re: Errors displaying lines

Post by Lucky24 »

I sometimes am missing a line at the bottom of a scroll buffer, too, but I'm not running a GMCP or IRE mud. If a script sends lines, sometimes the buffer won't scroll, either. Haven't yet seen a rhyme or reason for it...

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Re: Errors displaying lines

Post by Sanaki »

Ruled out GMCP being involved anyway. Turned it off and it still happened. I'm not seeing it too often, but on the rare occasion it hides me killing something, curing an affliction, etc, it can get rather confusing.

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Re: Errors displaying lines

Post by Heiko »

1. Are you using a proxy like Mudbot or are you connected to the MUD directly?
2. Does this only affect the lower split screen or does this happen without the split screen also?

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Re: Errors displaying lines

Post by Sanaki »

I'm connected directly, and as soon as I attempt to enter split screen, both panes will reveal the previously hidden text. I'm unsure if it can occur when split screen is already open, as I don't tend to leave it in place unless I'm actively looking for something, and the error is uncommon enough to keep me from being able to easily reproduce it to check.

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