Thoughts on defense raising ("defup") scripts

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Thoughts on defense raising ("defup") scripts

Post by bluebaleen »


I am in the process of writing an auto-defense raising ("defup") script for my system and I am going back and forth with how to implement it. In TinyFugue I accomplished this using cascading timers, where the delays were cumulative based on the balance/equilibrium taken by raising each defense. This was a bit annoying because if I did anything that changed my balance and equilibrium recovery times (i.e. changed class, changed statpack) I had to go back and recalculate the cumulative delays,

I feel as if there should be a clever way to accomplish the same end in Mudlet using trigger chains/filters without having to muddle with cumulative delays. I have a few ideas in mind but before committing to any of them I wanted to ask the community whether any of you have come upon a solution for such a problem that you believe to be easy to maintain.

Thanks for your time!

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Re: Thoughts on defense raising ("defup") scripts

Post by Vadi »

One simple solution would be to add all commands to a queue, and execute a command from a queue & remove it upon receiving balance/eq regain. You can pause that, clear it, add things to it easily...

That's just one of the ways off the top of my head

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Re: Thoughts on defense raising ("defup") scripts

Post by bluebaleen »

I actually like the queue idea. I never used a formal queue in my Tf system due to the lack of higher level data structures. That said, I'd like to learn more about their uses in text-based RPG systems given that Mudlet seems to readily support them.

I really like the queue function that is described here: Custom quick queues

Was this ever implemented into LuaGlobal?

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Re: Thoughts on defense raising ("defup") scripts

Post by Vadi »

No, but this doesn't mean that you can't copy/paste the script he's used into a mudlet script and go ahead with the usage.

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Re: Thoughts on defense raising ("defup") scripts

Post by bluebaleen »

Of course. I just wanted to ensure that there wasn't a module already integrated into LuaGlobal that provided the same functionality. I believe I'll integrate Iocun's sendQueue functionality and just modify it to my needs. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Re: Thoughts on defense raising ("defup") scripts

Post by csmall »

I have a table of my defences and a table of active (or borked) defences. I have an alias that fires it up.
The main script basically waits for equilibrium and then scans the available defences, checking the active defence table.

A bunch of triggers fill in the defence table, either with success or not (e.g. a defence may need sunlight and its nighttime). These are still set so the scanning function skips over them.

So basically what happens is

1. I type the alias command
2. defences and spirits commands sent
3. scan all defence and sprit lines to pre-populate the active table, wait to the end of the def/spirit line to enable #4
4. walk the available defence table until i find the first item not in active table, send the command
5. wait for eq
6. back to 4

Step 4 also has a reaching the end of table check so i know everything is working.

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