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Exclusion Trigger (Reverese Trigger?)

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 2:38 pm
by Dakhor

I have been trying to think about how to do a simple trigger that catches all but the said parameters.

Lets say I want to catch all lines with ".* says:" and do something with them.

except anything that starts with

The .* guard says:
The .* knight says:

My mind keeps going at some database search function but maybe there is an easier way.



Re: Exclusion Trigger (Reverese Trigger?)

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 1:18 am
by SlySven
I had that issue a short while ago and I think it can be done with negative non-capture groups - have a play on with this:

Code: Select all

^.*(?!(knight |guard ))says:.*