from tintin to mudlet

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from tintin to mudlet

Post by Arysel »


I decided to change my mud client to mudlet but I have some serious problem with finding simple wildcard replacement to %1 that was working great in tintin. I think the best way will be to show you an example.


#alias {ep} {enter %1portal}

It allows me to type just 'ep' sending "enter portal" to mud. I can also type 'ep 2.' to send "enter 2.portal".

In Mudlet I tried many options but I cant find anything that matches the above example. I tried the following:

^ep (\d?\D?)$
send("enter "..matches[2].."portal")

but it forces me to type space after ep, otherwise its not working.

^ep ?(\d?\D?)$
send("enter "..matches[2].."portal")

seemed to work just fine untill I tried to use some other alias with Pattern: ^epe (\w+)$ doing something different. Typing epe sends both aliases to mud.

I can't find any solution, could you please help me with that? I am sure there must be a simple answer to this, but I am lost and cant figure it out.

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Re: from tintin to mudlet

Post by SlySven »

I must confess I don't actually MUD much at present but I used TinTin++ before i started poking around in the Mudlet code, as I see it the first pattern is asking for:
line beginning with "ep", followed by one actual space (that is not captured) followed by zero OR ONE digit followed by zero or one NON-digits - with the combination of the captured digit and non-digit being made available in the matches[2] group.

Your second pattern is different in that it does not NEED a space between the ep and the digit/non-digit which is all fine and dandy until you realise that, unlike TinTin++ more than one #ACTION/#ALIAS (TinTin++) or trigger/alias (Mudlet) can be activated by the same MUD server output / user input line respectively. So, yes, both of your aliases will be triggered. The quickest fix I can see for that is:

Code: Select all

^ep(| /d+/D?)$
Which will match on either just the letters "ep" or "ep" followed by a space followed by zero or one or more digits followed by zero or one non-digits. The matches[2] will be empty for the first case but WILL have the leading space in the second. Neither will be triggered by your command beginning with "epe"!

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Re: from tintin to mudlet

Post by Oneymus »

This is a pretty standard alias I use:

Code: Select all

Obviously, change the .+ to whatever you need. This way, matches[2] does not contain the space.

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Re: from tintin to mudlet

Post by Arysel »

Thanks a lot SlySven, it works perfect :)

I have a feeling I will have to ask about help pretty often, if I've already had problems with basic alias ;)

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Re: from tintin to mudlet

Post by SlySven »

I think Oneymus might be onto something - I'm also a newbie when it comes to the format of those PCREs which are not precisely what I think Scandum uses in TinTin++ ...!

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