Mudlet freezing (beechball) on OS X

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Mudlet freezing (beechball) on OS X

Post by Nemutaur »

Hi there,

since today I've had Mudlet freeze up on me (beechball) and at the beginning of that I'd be able to cmd-tab to a browser or something but then soon my whole macbook would freeze up and I'd have to hold down the power button to do a hard reset. This happened both on the the test4 version that you can download on the website and the 2.0-test4+ 20-8-2012 version that Vadimuses posted somewhere.

This freeze usually happens after 15 or more minutes of play. Sometimes there's a mini freeze preceeding the system crashing one, but not always. Once it did a mini freeze on me and then spit out around 1 minutes worth of output from the MUD which then got highlighted and all the triggers processed and it started healing. This has happened while bashing in two different areas, once it 'mini froze' in an arena fight and then after i won and got out it froze hard after another minute. While waiting around after a little fight it froze too.

The shows the same two error messages over and over, somewhere in there it even says that over 500 of the same message were sent in the same second and that it is trimming the log. Then you see the new boot. Here is an image of that:

Image (

And here is the error message expanded with details:
Image (

These are my system specs:

I have had Disk Utility Verify my harddrive and I have verified and repaired permissions. I did this after the second freeze. I even did a memcheck and that worked fine too.

And my mudlet is set up to save everything in a Dropbox folder as per the guide somewhere here on the forums. I have SVO running on it while playing Achaea. The mapper uses the IRE Mapping script on one of the newer versions in a window at the bottom right as per another script here on the forums. Tabbed Chat from the Lusternia forums is above the mapper. I use Geyser for a few things including a visual limb counter.

This only started happening today, yesterday everything was ok. The only things that changed were me adding a sound to a trigger which i previously had never done. A newer version of svo and me tinkering around a little with a script. I just don't know if setting up a few triggers or letting a sound file play could cause something like this.

I hope this is enough info to work with, I'm not exactly sure what else you could need. But do tell me if you do need more info and I'll try to get it for you.

Thanks, Nemu

EDIT: Just remembered that my Qt info might be useful (found with /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPFrameworksDataType from Terminal)


Version: 7.7.1
Last Modified: 14/10/11 9:50 PM
Kind: Intel
64-Bit (Intel): Yes
Get Info String: QTKit 7.7.1, Copyright 2003-2011, Apple Inc.
Location: /System/Library/Frameworks/QTKit.framework
Private: No

Posts: 22
Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:58 pm

Re: Mudlet freezing (beechball) on OS X

Post by Nemutaur »

Ok, so it might be a coincidence that mudlet is throwing those errors. This happened to me again last night without mudlet when i was just surfing and alt tabbing.

Then once when i was running mudlet all other programs stopped working one after the other and beach balling, it started with iTunes stopping playing the song, then when i wanted to find something with Spotlight the whole task bar up top froze including the clock and all the while mudlet was working fine.

I've run the Apple Hardware Test (including extensive check), Techtool pro 5 has done checks on my harddrives and Memory and now I have the sneaky feeling this is a problem with my system. I'm running a few more checks while backing up data I don't keep with Timemachine and makes notes on my preferences and settings before I do a fresh install.

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