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Building Mudlet 2.1 on Debian

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 10:17 pm
by SlySven
I can confirm that it IS possible to build the current Mudlet 2.1 with the current Debian STABLE GNU/Linux distribution (7.1 = "Wheezy") on at least a 32 Bit (i386) platform.

The Qt Libraries in place for this is version 4.8.2 which seem to work.

I already had a code development environment so I cannot be sure which complier and other packages you will need (though qtcreator 2.5.0-2 is very useful! :lol: ) but I found that I did need to install the following additional packages (and any dependencies that they threw up):
libboost-dev (actually got: libboost1.49-dev)

The only problem dependency is "quazip" which I had to download and build manually:
by obtaining "" from
I found I needed to add: "QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fpermissive" near top of the "qztest/" file to change errors to warnings on assigning some gzFile pointers to void ones in the test suite to get the whole thing to compile though the test suite isn't necessary for our purposes. After making that change I had to "run qmake" on the project as well to update the subdirectory project files. After "building" (the release ?) version I used then "sudo make install" in the base of the build directory this puts headers in /include and libraries in /lib so I probably didn't have something set right. I manually moved the library and the three symbolic links from /lib to a quazip subdirectory off of /usr/local/lib/ and the header files from /includes to a quazip subdirectory off of /usr/local/includes/.

EDIT: The last four packages are needed for the LUA subsystem - their absence does not prevent compilation but show up as errors when connection is made and a MUD session is started. Note that these are the main packages and not the development ones.

I could then clone the git repository for mudlet and because of my using a quazip subdirectory I had to add a "-L /usr/local/lib/quazip \" line entry to the "unix:LIB +=" list in the Qt Project file in the mudlet ./src code subdirectory.

After that it was just a matter of using qtcreator to build the release (or in my case the debug) version of the code, which does take a little time if you don't have a bleeding-edge, turbo-powered super computer farm and you are starting from scratch. Ah well, time to make a fresh cup of coffee... :geek:

For comparison, I had previously been working on a different Debian system that was using the current OLD-STABLE distribution (6.0.7 Squeeze + some back-ports) - that took an awful lot more bodging to get Mudlet 2.1 to build on! :twisted:

Re: Building Mudlet 2.1 on Debian

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 1:31 am
by Vadi
Brilliant. Could you add this to the wiki?

Re: Building Mudlet 2.1 on Debian

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 10:40 pm
by SlySven
Done (I hope)!

Re: Building Mudlet 2.1 on Debian

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:23 am
by Vadi
Thanks :)