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link between actions and triggers

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 2:49 am
by dano

I am new to Mudlet and have been unsuccessful trying to solve a task I'd like to perform.

What I would like to have is an action that moves me around a fixed path one time - when I type search for example. However, if, while moving from location to location in that path, a specific string is encountered (item, npc, whatever), I want the action to terminate the loop leaving me in the location where the item was found. It seems to me this would require communication between triggers and actions. Or, perhaps, there is another way and I just haven't found it yet. A simplified version of what I envision would be an action along the lines of:

Code: Select all

path = { "n","n","n","e","e","e", "s","s","s","w","w","w" }

for step = 1, #path do
  if ThingFound == true then
    send( path[step] )
I know a trigger can sense the text via the output but how can the action be made aware of this discovery causing it to break the loop stopping the moves.

Thanks in advance for any assistance anyone can provide.


Re: link between actions and triggers

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 2:27 pm
by demonnic
Break it into single steps. Have the function take a step, then a trigger for your prompt which checks if you're walking somewhere, and if you found the thing. If you're walking somewhere and you have not found the thing, take the next step. Simple example for demonstration below
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
--script, holds the function
function doNextWalk()
  if #autowalkPath == 0 then 
    autowalking = false
    echo("We have arrived at the end of the path, walking off")
  local nextDir = table.remove(autowalkPath, 1)

--alias to start walking, whatever pattern you like
autowalking = true
thingfound = false
autowalkPath = { "n","n","n","e","e","e", "s","s","s","w","w","w" }

--alias to stop walking
autowalking = false
autowalkPath = {}

--trigger, fires on an arrival line or your prompt
if autowalking then
  if thingfound then
    echo("We found the thing, stopping\n")

--and a trigger which fires when you found the thing and sets thingfound = true

Re: link between actions and triggers

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 3:38 pm
by dano

That does exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!
