patch: better errors for createMapLabel

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patch: better errors for createMapLabel

Post by Vadi »

It was frustrating experience trying to find out which one of the 10 arguments to createMapLabel were wrong, so here's a patch that rectifies this:

int TLuaInterpreter::createMapLabel( lua_State * L )
int area, fgr, fgg, fgb, bgr, bgg, bgb;
float posx, posy;
string text;
if( ! lua_isnumber( L, 1 ) )
lua_pushstring( L, "createMapLabel: missing the area ID" );
lua_error( L );
return 1;
area = lua_tointeger( L, 1 );

if( ! lua_isstring( L, 2 ) )
lua_pushstring( L, "createMapLabel: missing the text" );
lua_error( L );
return 1;
text = lua_tostring( L, 2 );

if( ! lua_isnumber( L, 3 ) )
lua_pushstring( L, "createMapLabel: missing x coordinate" );
lua_error( L );
return 1;
posx = lua_tonumber( L, 3 );

if( ! lua_isnumber( L, 4 ) )
lua_pushstring( L, "createMapLabel: missing the y coordinate" );
lua_error( L );
return 1;
posy = lua_tonumber( L, 4 );

if( ! lua_isnumber( L, 5 ) )
lua_pushstring( L, "createMapLabel: missing foreground red number" );
lua_error( L );
return 1;
fgr = lua_tointeger( L, 5 );

if( ! lua_isnumber( L, 6 ) )
lua_pushstring( L, "createMapLabel: missing foreground green number" );
lua_error( L );
return 1;
fgg = lua_tointeger( L, 6 );

if( ! lua_isnumber( L, 7 ) )
lua_pushstring( L, "createMapLabel: missing foreground blue number" );
lua_error( L );
return 1;
fgb = lua_tointeger( L, 7 );

if( ! lua_isnumber( L, 8 ) )
lua_pushstring( L, "createMapLabel: missing background red number" );
lua_error( L );
return 1;
bgr = lua_tointeger( L, 8 );

if( ! lua_isnumber( L, 9 ) )
lua_pushstring( L, "createMapLabel: missing background green number" );
lua_error( L );
return 1;
bgg = lua_tointeger( L, 9 );

if( ! lua_isnumber( L, 10 ) )
lua_pushstring( L, "createMapLabel: missing background blue number" );
lua_error( L );
return 1;
bgb = lua_tointeger( L, 10 );

QString _text = text.c_str();
Host * pHost = TLuaInterpreter::luaInterpreterMap[L];
QColor fg = QColor(fgr,fgg,fgb);
QColor bg = QColor(bgr, bgg, bgb);
lua_pushinteger( L, pHost->mpMap->createMapLabel( area, _text, posx, posy, fg, bg ) );
return 1;

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