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Drop Down Menus for Simple Window Manager (SWM)

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:48 pm
by Jor'Mox
Here is a little script I put together that makes and manages drop down menus using the Simple Window Manager Script (found here). Each menu has the necessary info provided in the menus table (any number of menus may be created, each with any number of menu items). In the provided example, clicking a button echos what menu item of which menu was clicked. To make the buttons do something, insert the appropriate code in the clickMenu() function (all buttons call this function, and pass the index of the menu the button is in, and the index of the button, uniquely identifying each button).

The menu items can be displayed on any side of the button for that menu by specifying position (top, bottom, left, or right), and can be arranged vertically (going up or down), or horizontally (going left or right) by specifying orient ("vertical down", "vertical up", horizontal right", "horizontal left").

Once everything is set, call initMenus() to create all the menu items and they will be ready to use.

As always, comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
local menus = {
		title = {name = "menu1title", text = "Menu 1"},
		x = 0, y = 0, width = 100, height = 25, origin = "topleft",
		font = "Monaco", font_size = 12, fgColor = "white",
		bgColor = "black", border = "2px solid white", border_radius = "2px",
		button_names = {"menu1button1","menu1button2"},
		button_text = {"Button 1", "Button 2"},
		bwidth = 75, bheight = 20, position = "bottom", orient = "horizontal right"
		title = {name = "menu2title", text = "Menu 2"},
		x = 200, y = 0, width = 100, height = 25, origin = "topleft",
		font = "Monaco", font_size = 12, fgColor = "black",
		bgColor = "white", border = "2px solid green", border_radius = "5px",
		button_names = {"menu2button1","menu2button2","menu2button3"},
		button_text = {"Button 1", "Button 2", "Button 3"},
		bwidth = 75, bheight = 20, position = "right", orient = "vertical down"

local menu_labels = {}

function initMenus()
	-- Create Main Menu Labels
	for k,v in ipairs(menus) do
		-- Store name in array
		menu_labels[k] = {title =, shown = false}
		-- Create label
		-- Add to window manager
		windowManager.add(, "label", v.x, v.y, v.width, v.height, v.origin)
		-- Set style sheet info
			background-color: ]] .. v.bgColor .. [[;
			border: ]] .. v.border .. [[;
			border-radius: ]] .. v.border_radius .. [[;]])
		-- Echo text
		echo(,[[<span style="font-size: ]] .. v.font_size .. [[px" style="font-family: ']] .. v.font .. [['" style="color: ]] .. v.fgColor .. [["><b><center>]].. v.title.text ..[[</b></center></style>]])
		-- Set callback to open menu
	for k,v in ipairs(menus) do
		local x, y = v.x, v.y
		-- Set starting position for menu items
		if v.position == "bottom" then y = y + v.height
		elseif v.position == "top" then y = y - v.bheight
		elseif v.position == "right" then x = x + v.width
		elseif v.position == "left" then x = x - v.bwidth
		for k2, v2 in ipairs(v.button_names) do
			menu_labels[k][k2] = v2
			windowManager.add(v2, "label", x, y, v.bwidth, v.bheight, v.origin)
				background-color: ]] .. v.bgColor .. [[;
				border: ]] .. v.border .. [[;
				border-radius: ]] .. v.border_radius .. [[;]])
			echo(v2,[[<span style="font-size: ]] .. v.font_size .. [[px" style="font-family: ']] .. v.font .. [['" style="color: ]] .. v.fgColor .. [["><b><center>]].. v.button_text[k2] ..[[</b></center></style>]])
			setLabelClickCallback(v2, "clickMenu",k,k2)
			if string.find(v.orient,"horizontal") then
				if string.find(v.orient,"left") then
					x = x - v.bwidth
					x = x + v.bwidth
				if string.find(v.orient,"up") then
					y = y - v.bheight
					y = y + v.bheight

function showMenu(menu)
	if not menu_labels[menu].shown then
		for k,v in ipairs(menu_labels[menu]) do
		menu_labels[menu].shown = true

function hideMenu(menu)
	for k,v in ipairs(menu_labels[menu]) do
	menu_labels[menu].shown = false

function clickMenu(menu, button)
	echo("You clicked button number: " .. button .. " in menu number: " .. menu .. ".\n")
Edit: Tweaked so clicking on a menu button for an already open menu closes the menu.

Re: Drop Down Menus for Simple Window Manager (SWM)

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:59 pm
by Vadi
A few screenshots please? :)

Re: Drop Down Menus for Simple Window Manager (SWM)

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:21 am
by Jor'Mox

While doing these, I just realized I need to make it so that if you click the main button for a menu that is open, it closes, right now it does nothing (technically it opens it again).

Re: Drop Down Menus for Simple Window Manager (SWM)

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:08 am
by Jor'Mox
If I have a little time later I'll turn this into a proper set of functions to create, style, and otherwise manage menus. Like I did with gauges. May be a bit though, I've been busy lately. But, if there are any suggestions on what to use for function names, or argument order, or whatever, I'm always glad to hear them (it means less fixes when Vadi tells me I have something mixed up later!)

Re: Drop Down Menus for Simple Window Manager (SWM)

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 6:50 am
by phasma
These are crying out for some QLinearGradient love ;)

Re: Drop Down Menus for Simple Window Manager (SWM)

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:57 pm
by Jor'Mox
Once they are created, you can apply whatever style sheets you want. As promised, I'm working on a more generic version to allow for easily created menus for anyone. I'll hopefully post my work in progress here later today, once I have the critical functions all finished.

Re: Drop Down Menus for Simple Window Manager (SWM)

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 4:19 pm
by Jor'Mox
Here is a set of functions to create and manipulate drop down menus in a generic way. I tried to make the function names as similar to built in functions.

Available functions:
-- All arguments after height are optional. They default to "", 1, "bottom", "down".
createMenu(menuName, x, y, width, height, menuText, numButtons, buttonPosition, buttonDirection)
-- This function sets the stylesheet for the menu buttons. To set all buttons at once, omit the buttonNumber variable. To set the stylesheet for the main button, and a different stylesheet for the other buttons, omit the buttonNumber variable, then pass the stylesheet info for the main button, followed by the stylesheet info for the rest of the buttons.
setMenuStyleSheet(menuName, buttonNumber, buttonCSS)
-- This function sets the click callback for the menu buttons
setMenuClickCallback(menuName, buttonNumber, ...)
-- This function is used to set the text for the various menu buttons. It accepts color names, or rgb values for color. To set the main button text, omit the buttonNumber. Default color is "white".
setMenuText(menuName, text, buttonNumber, r, g, b)
-- This function changes the number of buttons in the menu
setMenuNumberButtons(menuName, numButtons)
-- This function changes the size of the buttons (if this function isn't called, the menu buttons will be the same size as the main button that opens and closes the menu)
setMenuButtonSize(menuName, width, height)
-- These functions change where the menu buttons appear relative to the main button, and in which direction they extend
setMenuPosition(menuName, position)
setMenuDirection(menuName, direction)
-- These functions open and close the menu (show or hide the menu items). If toggle is true for openMenu then it will open if it is closed and close if it is open (this is used to make clicking the main button work as expected)
openMenu(menuName, toggle)
-- These functions act exactly like similar functions for windows
resizeMenu(menuName, width, height)
moveMenu(menuName, x, y)
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
menusTable = menusTable or {}

function createMenu(menuName, x, y, width, height, menuText, numButtons, buttonPosition, buttonDirection)
	menuText = menuText or ""
	numButtons = numButtons or 1
	buttonPosition = buttonPosition or "bottom"
	buttonDirection = buttonDirecton or "down"
	assert(table.contains({"bottom","top","left","right"},buttonPosition), "createMenu: buttonPosition must be bottom, top, left, or right")
	assert(table.contains({"up","down","left","right"},buttonDirection), "createMenu: buttonDirection must be up, down, left, or right")
	local tbl = {open = false, width = width, height = height, x = x, y = y, text = menuText, numButtons = numButtons, buttonPos = buttonPosition, buttonDir = buttonDirection}
	-- save new values in table
	menusTable[menuName] = tbl
	setLabelClickCallback(menuName, "openMenu", menuName, "true")
	for k = 1,numButtons do
		setMenuText(menuName, "Button " .. k, k, "white")
		setLabelClickCallback(menuName.."_menubutton_"..k, "closeMenu", menuName)
	-- resize and move menu to desired position
	resizeMenu(menuName, tbl.width, tbl.height)
	moveMenu(menuName, tbl.x, tbl.y)
	-- write text on main menu button
	setMenuText(menuName, menuText, "white")

function setMenuPosition(menuName, position)
	assert(menusTable[menuName], "setMenuPosition: no such menu exists.")
	assert(table.contains({"bottom","top","left","right"},position), "setMenuPosition: Position must be bottom, top, left, or right")
	menusTable[menuName].buttonPos = position

function setMenuDirection(menuName, direction)
	assert(menusTable[menuName], "setMenuDirection: no such menu exists.")
	assert(table.contains({"up","down","left","right"},direction), "setMenuDirection: Direction must be up, down, left, or right")
	menusTable[menuName].buttonDir = direction

function setMenuNumberButtons(menuName, numButtons)
	assert(menusTable[menuName], "setMenuNumberButtons: no such menu exists.")
	local curButtons = menusTable[menuName].numButtons
	menusTable[menuName].numButtons = numButtons
	if curButtons < numButtons then
		for k = curButtons + 1,numButtons do
			setMenuText(menuName, "Button " .. k, k, "white")
			setLabelClickCallback(menuName.."_menubutton_"..k, "closeMenu", menuName)
	elseif curButtons > numButtons then
		for k = numButtons + 1, curButtons do

function setMenuStyleSheet(menuName, buttonNumber, buttonCSS)
	assert(menusTable[menuName], "setMenuStyleSheet: no such menu exists.")
	if tonumber(buttonNumber) then
		assert(buttonNumber <= menusTable[menuName].numButtons, "setMenuStyleSheet: buttonNumber higher than number of buttons in menu.")
		setLabelStyleSheet(menuName.."_menubutton_"..buttonNumber, buttonCSS)
		buttonCSS = buttonCSS or buttonNumber
		setLabelStyleSheet(menuName, buttonNumber)
		for k = 1, menusTable[menuName].numButtons do
			setLabelStyleSheet(menuName.."_menubutton_"..k, buttonCSS)

function setMenuClickCallback(menuName, buttonNumber, ...)
	assert(menusTable[menuName], "setMenuClickCallback: no such menu exists.")
	assert(tonumber(buttonNumber) and buttonNumber <= menusTable[menuName].numButtons, "setMenuClickCallback: buttonNumber higher than number of buttons in menu.")
	setLabelClickCallback(menuName.."_menubutton_"..buttonNumber, ...)

function setMenuText(menuName, text, buttonNumber, r, g, b)
	assert(menusTable[menuName], "setMenuText: no such menu exists.")
	if r ~= nil then
		if g == nil then
			r,g,b = getRGB(r)
		elseif b == nil then
			r,g,b = buttonNumber,r,g
			buttonNumber = nil
	elseif buttonNumber and not tonumber(buttonNumber) then
		r,g,b = getRGB(buttonNumber)
		buttonNumber = nil
		r,g,b = 255,255,255
	local echoString = [[<font color ="#]] .. RGB2Hex(r,g,b) .. [[">]] .. text .. [[</font>]]
	local labelName = menuName
	if buttonNumber then
		assert(menusTable[menuName].numButtons >= buttonNumber, "setMenuText: buttonNumber higher than number of buttons in menu.")
		labelName = labelName .. "_menubutton_" .. buttonNumber
		menusTable[menuName].buttonText = menusTable[menuName].buttonText or {}
		menusTable[menuName].buttonText[buttonNumber] = echoString
		menusTable[menuName].text = echoString
	echo(labelName, echoString)

function setMenuButtonSize(menuName, width, height)
	assert(menusTable[menuName], "setMenuButtonSize: no such menu exists.")
	assert(width and height, "setMenuButtonSize: need to have both width and height.")
	menusTable[menuName].bsize = {width = width, height = height}
	for k = 1, menusTable[menuName].numButtons do
		resizeWindow(menuName.."_menubutton_"..k, width, height)
	if menusTable[menuName].open then

function resizeMenu(menuName, width, height)
	assert(menusTable[menuName], "resizeMenu: no such menu exists.")
	assert(width and height, "resizeMenu: need to have both width and height.")
	resizeWindow(menuName, width, height)
	if not menusTable[menuName].bsize then
		for k = 1,menusTable[menuName].numButtons do
			resizeWindow(menuName.."_menubutton_"..k, width, height)
	if menusTable[menuName].open then
	menusTable[menuName].width, menusTable[menuName].height = width, height

function moveMenu(menuName, x, y)
	assert(menusTable[menuName], "moveMenu: no such menu exists.")
	assert(x and y, "moveMenu: need to have both X and Y positions.")
	moveWindow(menuName, x, y)
	if menusTable[menuName].open then
	menusTable[menuName].x, menusTable[menuName].y = x, y

function openMenu(menuName, toggle)
	assert(menusTable[menuName], "openMenu: no such menu exists.")
	if toggle and menusTable[menuName].open then
		menusTable[menuName].open = true
		local width, height = menusTable[menuName].width, menusTable[menuName].height
		local bwidth, bheight = width, height
		local x,y = menusTable[menuName].x, menusTable[menuName].y
		local pos, dir = menusTable[menuName].buttonPos, menusTable[menuName].buttonDir
		if menusTable[menuName].bsize then
			bwidth = menusTable[menuName].bsize.width
			bheight = menusTable[menuName].bsize.height
		if pos == "left" then
			x = x - bwidth
		elseif pos == "right" then
			x = x + width
		elseif pos == "top" then
			y = y - bheight
		elseif pos == "bottom" then
			y = y + height
		for k = 1, menusTable[menuName].numButtons do
			if dir == "left" then
				x = x - bwidth
			elseif dir == "right" then
				x = x + bwidth
			elseif dir == "up" then
				y = y - bheight
			elseif dir == "down" then
				y = y + bheight

function closeMenu(menuName)
	assert(menusTable[menuName], "closeMenu: no such menu exists.")
	menusTable[menuName].open = false
	for k = 1, menusTable[menuName].numButtons do

function hideMenu(menuName)
	assert(menusTable[menuName], "hideMenu: no such menu exists.")
	for k = 1, menusTable[menuName].numButtons do

function showMenu(menuName)
	assert(menusTable[menuName], "showMenu: no such menu exists.")
	if menusTable[menuName].open then
		for k = 1, menusTable[menuName].numButtons do

Re: Drop Down Menus for Simple Window Manager (SWM)

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:11 pm
by Vadi
If you'd like, we could set you up with a page on the Mudlet wiki - we've listed other scripts there previously. It'd be easier to maintain formatting there. Kudos on the project!

Re: Drop Down Menus for Simple Window Manager (SWM)

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:40 pm
by Jor'Mox
Right the moment, I'm just trying to get the functions all set up so they will blend more or less seamlessly with native Mudlet functions. So far, everything seems to work, that I can tell anyway, though there may be a need for additional functions. Once it is finished, I will obviously incorporate it as an option in my simple window manager script, so that menu "objects" can be added and managed there as well.

However, while I'm sure a wiki space might be handy, I honestly don't know the first thing about working with wikis. Also, personally, I think my Simple Window Manager project is more interesting and potentially useful as an alternative to Geyser and Vyzor. Drop down menus, done in a neutral way such as this, is useful, but not especially complicated. I wrote everything in a day, and I would imagine that if there were a large demand for menus there would be scripts providing that functionality already.

If these menu functions end up being useful, I am trying to design them so that they could be incorporated into GUIUtils, rather than being a stand alone add on. They might need a bit more polishing, or having one or two additional functions added if I missed something, but as far as I can tell they are ready. Aside from needing a bit of documentation so that it is clearer how to use them.

Re: Drop Down Menus for Simple Window Manager (SWM)

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:02 pm
by Vadi
Okay, I agree with your way of thinking.