Simple Window Manager

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Simple Window Manager

Post by Jor'Mox »

Vyzor and Geyser are both fairly powerful window management systems, but they can be overkill for simple GUI layouts, and require learning a large amount of new syntax to interact with them. Also, my experience with Geyser left me frustrated with how complicated it was to position objects using a mix of percent and pixel values. So I created this script to address those issues. It handles window positioning and sizing, and adjusts position and size as the main window is resized, but stays out of the way the rest of the time. You create the GUI objects you want (labels, miniconsoles, and gauges), then pass them to the window manager. You can set size and position using any mix of pixel and percent values, and you can designate a corner as the origin corner for that object. There is no need to remember to add your object's height or width to its x or y values so that it isn't displayed off screen. Also, so long as you are managing a relatively small number of GUI objects, this runs dramatically faster than Geyser when the window is resized.

I tried to include sufficient documentation as comments at the top. If there are any comments or questions, please feel free to let me know.
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
-- Window Manager Script --
--  Zachary Hiland
--  10/22/2016
--  v2.00c
--  Functions Details
--      windowManager.create(name, type, x, y, width, height, origin, [font_size]) or windowManager.add(info_table)
--      creates a window and adds it to the windowManager
--      info_table must have a valid entry for each argument, by the same name, as in the normal function call
--      name - name of already created window (label, miniConsole, gauge, mapper, menu, or autowrap)
--          Note: for a mapper window, use any name you like, so long as it isn't the name of some other object
--      type - identify the type of window, must be label, miniConsole, gauge, mapper, or menu
--      x - distance horizontally from the origin corner
--      y - distance vertically from the origin corner
--      width - width of window
--      height - height of window
--      origin - corner to act as origin for this window, must be topleft, topright, bottomleft, or bottomright
--      font_size - only used for autowrap windows, will be automatically set as the font size for the created window
--      note: all measurements should be numbers, or strings with values measured in percent or pixels (or unlabeled)
--          if a measurement contains both percent and pixel values (or multiple values of the same type), they should be separated
--          by a "+" symbol. Example: "25% + 50px + 16"
--      important: no negative numbers
--      windowManager.add(name, type, x, y, width, height, origin, font_size) or windowManager.create(info_table)
--      adds an already created window to the windowManager, uses the exact same arguments as those in the "create" function
--      windowManager.remove(name)
--      removes a window from the windowManager
--      windowManager.move(name, x, y)
--      moves a window with the windowManager
--      windowManager.resize(name, width, height)
--      resizes a window with the windowManager
--      windowManager.relocate(name, origin)
--      changes the corner acting as the origin for a window in the windowManager
--      shows a window that is managed by windowManager (you can also use showWindow or showGauge functions)
--          Note: this is only really important for a mapper window
--      windowManager.hide(name)
--      hides a window that is managed by windowManager (you can also use hideWindow or hideGauge functions)
--          Note: this is only really important for a mapper window
--      windowManager.getValue(name, value)
--      returns the calculated size or position values, or the origin, for a window in the windowManager
--      windowManager.math(value1, value2, operation)
--      allows addition and subtraction of measurements with each other,
--      and multiplication and division of a measurement by a normal number
--      windowManager.simplify(measurement)
--      returns a simplified version of a measurement (all percent and pixel values are combined together)
--      windowManager.refresh(name)
--      sets the size and location of a window in the windowManager using previously set values
--      note: generally this function does not need to be called
--      windowManager.refreshAll()
--      note: this function is called automatically when a sysWindowResizeEvent event occurs,
--          and generally does not need to be called manually
--      windowManager.createBuffer(name)
--      creates a buffer to be used with an autowrap window, only needed if miniconsole added manually to windowManager
--      windowManager.append(name)
--      appends text to an autowrap window, works just like appendBuffer()
--      windowManager.echo(name, text)
--      echoes text to an autowrap window. cecho, decho, and hecho are also available.
--      windowManager.clear(name)
--      clears an autowrap window.
--      windowManager.setFontSize(name, font_size)
--      sets the font size for an autowrap window.

windowManager = windowManager or {}
windowManager.list = windowManager.list or {}

local function calcScaledNum(scale,num)
    scale_table = string.split(scale," %+ ")
    if #scale_table > 2 then
        scale = windowManager.simplify(scale)
        scale_table = string.split(scale," %+ ")
    scale = 0
    if #scale_table == 2 then
        scale = string.cut(scale_table[1],#scale_table[1] - 1) * num / 100
        scale = scale + string.gsub(scale_table[2],"px","")
    elseif string.find(scale_table[1],"%%") then
        scale = string.cut(scale_table[1],#scale_table[1] - 1) * num / 100
        scale = string.gsub(scale_table[1],"px","")
    scale = math.floor(scale + 0.5)
    return scale

local function rewrap_window(name)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    local buffer = name .. "_windowManager_buffer"
    local wrap = math.floor(windowManager.getValue(name,"width") / calcFontSize(info.font))
    local line, moved
    line = 0
    moved = moveCursor(buffer,1,line)
    while moved do
        line = line + 1
        moved = moveCursor(buffer,1,line)

function windowManager.simplify(measure)
    measure = string.gsub(measure,"%s*-%s*([%d%%]+)"," + -%1")
    measure = string.gsub(measure,"%-%-","")
    measure = string.gsub(measure,"%+%s*%+","+")
    measure = string.gsub(measure,"^%s*%+","")
    local measure_table = string.split(measure,"+")
    local percent, pixel = 0,0
    for k,v in ipairs(measure_table) do
        v = string.trim(v)
        if string.find(v,"%%") then
            v = string.gsub(v,"%%","")
            if not tonumber(v) then display(measure) end
            percent = percent + v
        elseif v ~= "" then
            v = string.gsub(v,"px","")
            if not tonumber(v) then display(measure) end
            pixel = pixel + v
    percent = math.floor(1000 * percent + .5) / 1000
    pixel = math.floor(1000 * pixel + .5) / 1000
    if percent == 0 then
        measure = pixel .. "px"
    elseif pixel == 0 then
        measure = percent .. "%"
        measure = percent .. "% + " .. pixel .. "px"
    return measure

function windowManager.math(measure,num,op)
    if not table.contains({"multiply","divide", "add", "subtract"},op) then
        error("windowManager.math: bad argument #3 \"operation\", must be add, subtract, multiply or divide",2)
    if op == "divide" or op == "multiply" then
        if string.find(num,"%%") then
            num = string.gsub(num,"%%","") / 100
        if not tonumber(num) then
            error("windowManager.math: bad argument #2 \"num\", must be a number",2)
        num = tonumber(num)
        measure = string.gsub(measure,"%s*-%s*([%d%%]+)"," + -%1")
        measure = string.gsub(measure,"%+%s*%+","+")
        measure = string.gsub(measure,"^%s*%+","")
        local measure_table = string.split(measure,"+")
        if op == "divide" then num = 1 / num end
        for k,v in ipairs(measure_table) do
            v = string.trim(v)
            v = (string.gsub(v,"([%d%.]+).*","%1") * num) .. string.gsub(v,".*[%d%.]+(.*)","%1")
            measure_table[k] = v
        measure = table.concat(measure_table," + ")
        if op == "subtract" then
            num = windowManager.math(num,"-1","multiply")
        measure = measure .. " + " .. num
        measure = string.gsub(measure,"([^%s%+%-]+)%s*-%s*([%d%.%-]+)","%1 + -%2")
    return windowManager.simplify(measure)

function windowManager.create(name, window_type, ...)
    local tbl = {}
    local is_table = false
    if type(name) == "table" then
        name =
        window_type = tbl.type
        is_table = true
    if type(window_type) ~= "string" then
        error("windowManager.create: bad argument #2 \"type\", must be string.",2)
    window_type = string.lower(window_type)
    if not table.contains({"label","miniconsole","gauge","mapper","menu","autowrap"},window_type) then
        error("windowManager.create: invalid type",2)
    if window_type == "label" then
        createLabel(name, 0,0,0,0,1)
    elseif window_type == "miniconsole" then
    elseif window_type == "gauge" then
    elseif window_type == "menu" then
    elseif window_type == "autowrap" then
        createBuffer(name .. "_windowManager_buffer")
        setWindowWrap(name .. "_windowManager_buffer",1000)
    if is_table then
        return windowManager.add(tbl)
        return windowManager.add(name, window_type, ...)

function windowManager.makeBuffer(name)
    createBuffer(name .. "_windowManager_buffer")
    setWindowWrap(name .. "_windowManager_buffer",1000)

function windowManager.add(name, window_type, x, y, w, h, origin, font)
    local tbl = {}
    if type(name) == "table" then
        tbl = table.update(tbl,name)
        name =
        x = tbl.x
        y = tbl.y
        w = tbl.width
        h = tbl.height
        origin = tbl.origin
        window_type = tbl.type
        font = tbl.font_size
        tbl = {}
    font = font or 10
    if not name then
        error("windowManager.add: bad argument #1 \"name\".",2)
    windowManager.list[name] = nil
    if type(window_type) ~= "string" then
        error("windowManager.add: bad argument #2 \"type\", must be string.",2)
    window_type = string.lower(window_type)
    if not table.contains({"label","miniconsole","gauge","mapper","menu","autowrap"},window_type) then
        error("windowManager.add: invalid type",2)
    if not (x and y and w and h) then
        error("windowManager.add: must have x, y, width, and height.",2)
    origin = origin or "topleft"
    origin = string.lower(origin)
    if not table.contains({"topleft","topright","bottomleft","bottomright"},origin) then
        error("windowManager.add: bad argument #7 \"origin\".",2)
    x = windowManager.simplify(x)
    y = windowManager.simplify(y)
    w = windowManager.simplify(w)
    h = windowManager.simplify(h)
    tbl = {
        type = window_type,
        x = x, y = y, h = h, w = w,
        origin = origin}
    if window_type == "autowrap" then
        tbl.font = font
        setMiniConsoleFontSize(name, font)
    windowManager.list[name] = tbl

function windowManager.remove(name)
    windowManager.list[name] = nil

function windowManager.refresh(name, main_w, main_h)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.refresh: no such window.",2) end
    local x,y,w,h,origin,win_type = info.x, info.y, info.w, info.h, info.origin, info.type
    if not (main_w and main_h) then
        main_w, main_h = getMainWindowSize()
    w = calcScaledNum(w,main_w)
    x = calcScaledNum(x,main_w)
    h = calcScaledNum(h,main_h)
    y = calcScaledNum(y,main_h)
    if string.find(origin,"right") then
        x = main_w - x - w
    if string.find(origin,"bottom") then
        y = main_h - y - h
    if win_type == "gauge" then
    elseif win_type == "mapper" then
        if not info.hide then
    elseif win_type == "menu" then
        if win_type == "autowrap" then

function windowManager.resize(name, w, h)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.resize: no such window.",2) end
    if not (w and h) then error("windowManager.resize: must have both width and height.",2) end
    w = windowManager.simplify(w)
    h = windowManager.simplify(h)
    windowManager.list[name].w = w
    windowManager.list[name].h = h

function windowManager.move(name, x, y)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.move: no such window.",2) end
    if not (x and y) then error("windowManager.move: must have both x and y.",2) end
    x = windowManager.simplify(x)
    y = windowManager.simplify(y)
    windowManager.list[name].x = x
    windowManager.list[name].y = y

function windowManager.relocate(name, origin)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.relocate: no such window.",2) end
    origin = origin or "topleft"
    origin = string.lower(origin)
    if not table.contains({"topleft","topright","bottomleft","bottomright"},origin) then
        error("windowManager.relocate: bad argument #2 \"origin\".",2)
    windowManager.list[name].origin = origin

function windowManager.hide(name)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.hide: no such window.",2) end
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if info.type == "gauge" then
    elseif info.type == "mapper" then
        windowManager.list[name].hide = true
    elseif info.type == "menu" then

    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error(" no such window.",2) end
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if info.type == "gauge" then
    elseif info.type == "mapper" then
        windowManager.list[name].hide = false
    elseif info.type == "menu" then

function windowManager.setFontSize(name, font_size)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.setFontSize: no such window.",2) end
    windowManager.list[name].font = font_size
    setMiniConsoleFontSize(name, font_size)

function windowManager.clear(name)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.clear: no such window.",2) end
    clearWindow(name .. "_windowManager_buffer")

function windowManager.append(name)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.append: no such window.",2) end
    appendBuffer(name .. "_windowManager_buffer")

function windowManager.echo(name, text)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.echo: no such window.",2) end
    echo(name, text)
    echo(name .. "_windowManager_buffer", text)

function windowManager.cecho(name, text)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.cecho: no such window.",2) end
    cecho(name, text)
    cecho(name .. "_windowManager_buffer", text)

function windowManager.hecho(name, text)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.hecho: no such window.",2) end
    hecho(name, text)
    hecho(name .. "_windowManager_buffer", text)

function windowManager.decho(name, text)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.decho: no such window.",2) end
    decho(name, text)
    decho(name .. "_windowManager_buffer", text)

function windowManager.getValue(name, value)
    local info = windowManager.list[name]
    if not info then error("windowManager.getValue: no such window.",2) end
    if not table.contains({"x","y","width","height","w","h","origin"},value) then
        error("windowManager.getValue: no such value.",2)
    local sys_w, sys_h = getMainWindowSize()
    if value == "width" then value = "w" end
    if value == "height" then value = "h" end
    local tmp = windowManager.list[name][value]
    if value == "w" or value == "x" then
        tmp = calcScaledNum(tmp,sys_w)
    elseif value == "h" or value == "y" then
        tmp = calcScaledNum(tmp,sys_h)
    return tmp

function windowManager.refreshAll()
    local main_w, main_h = getMainWindowSize()
    for k,v in pairs(windowManager.list) do
        windowManager.refresh(k, main_w, main_h)

registerAnonymousEventHandler("sysWindowResizeEvent", "windowManager.refreshAll")
I added a windowManager.create function. It creates an object and adds it to the window manager. It uses the exact same syntax as used by windowManager.add. For menus or gauges, none of the optional arguments are used, so if you want to have different object behavior, you will need to either set it after the fact, or create the object independently.

I added a new window type, called "autowrap", which is a miniconsole that dynamically rewraps the text in the window as it is resized. The only downside to using these windows is that you have to use windowManager functions to echo or append text to them, and any changes made to the text once it is placed in the window (via the replace command) will not be preserved. Supported functions are as follows:

Edit: I fixed a bug that was showing up when doing certain math calculations for window sizing.
Fixed a bug with map windows reappearing after being hidden and then resizing the window.
Last edited by Jor'Mox on Sat Oct 22, 2016 10:23 pm, edited 11 times in total.

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Re: Simple Window Manager

Post by kevutian »

I really like this. Having used both Vyzor and Geyser, the latter extensively, I can see an audience for these functions.

I'll certainly be giving it a go. Wanted to rewrite my UI anyway.

Thanks for this!

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Re: Simple Window Manager

Post by Jor'Mox »

I'm glad that someone has found a use for it. Let me know if you have any problems, or suggestions.

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Re: Simple Window Manager

Post by Jor'Mox »

I just added in some code to let this, in theory, accommodate mapper windows. I personally seem to have Mudlet crash every few minutes whenever I have a mapper window of any sort, so I haven't actually tested it out, I basically just stole the relevant code from Geyser and fit it into my framework. To that end, I also added a show and a hide function, since there is no "showMapper" or "hideMapper" function. It will also show and hide other GUI objects as you would expect, but you can just as easily show and hide them with the functions that already exist for that purpose (showWindow, hideWindow, showGauge, and hideGauge).

Since the mapper window does not have a name, you can give it any name you want to refer to it, just be sure you don't use a name that something else is using, and you should be fine. Also, remember that you can only have one mapper window, so don't make two, or you will end up confusing yourself.

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Re: Simple Window Manager

Post by baerden »

I gave a quick stab at using this. I'm not sure if I installed the framework correctly. I simply downloaded the script text file and copy/pasted into a new script. I suspect I did not install it correctly.

I've read the comments in the code section, and I THINK I understand how to use it. I did something like..

windowManager.add(Test, miniConsole, 0, 0, 25%, 25%, topleft)

So then, once i figure out how to make a simple window (durrp) how do I change the background color etcetera?

Could you perhaps please make a simple 'this is how you make a window and change some frequently used properties' walkthrough for me (and other super noobs)?

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Re: Simple Window Manager

Post by Jor'Mox »

First, your arguments like label and miniconsole need to be in quotes.

Second, you make windows and such via the built in functions. So, for a label, do this:
windowManager.add("myLabel","label", "10%", "10%", "20%", "20%", "topleft")

As stated, it pretty much just stays out of the way after that. Use the standard functions. I this case, setLabelStyleSheet is how you would set a background.

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Re: Simple Window Manager

Post by baerden »

I see thanks!

FYI, it may be assumed ( But I didnt know cause of my noobiness ) that the parameters are supposed to be enclosed in quotes.

I only mention this because in the script comments on syntax usage don't have quotes enclosing them.

Thanks again!

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Re: Simple Window Manager

Post by Jor'Mox »

The parameters are all strings. They can be passed literally (with quotes around them) or as variables (which would not have quotes around them).

So you could do this:

name = "myLabel"
win_type = "label"
x = "10%"
y = "10%"
width = "20%"
height = "20%"
origin = "topleft"


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Re: Simple Window Manager

Post by Jor'Mox »

And, in case you didn't know where to look for info on the built in functions, I use this: as my main reference.

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Re: Simple Window Manager

Post by Jor'Mox »

I just updated this script to work with the generalized menu GUI objects that I created and posted here.

Please note that the menu functions are still under development.

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