Achaea Universe Autotravel and Autotravel Favorites Script

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Achaea Universe Autotravel and Autotravel Favorites Script

Post by Dracunos »

Hello everyone.
edit again again: fixed and updated script again. UNITRAV, TRAV, and TCH should all accept mudlet-mapper ROOM MARKs now, if there isn't already a shortcut with that name in MPU. They obviously won't be on the dropdown or other lists, however.
"":script used to check if area was accessible, to avoid wasting universes offplane for example, but that made it unable to unitrav while in areas like past the maiden in bela's keep, for example. Now script checks that destination is accessible from north of new thera. Offplane mpufavorites will only work with the TRAV command.

Most of this is for universe tarot users, but the clickable map in room with you, favorites, and TRAV/TCH aliases would work for anyone (with mudlet-mapper)

This script requires mudlet-mapper. Info is in the mappopups script, but I'll highlight some stuff here. Things this script should do:
If any map shows up in the room, it will be highlighted (easily changed or removed) and will be a setPopup link with a list of all your favorite locations.
Left click opens minimalistic prompt with list of clickable favorites, right click opens the dropdown list. this function can be easily disabled, just disable the setPopup trigger.. or I suppose you can change it to a setLink (if the mouse-over gets annoying, I rarely use my mouse so I don't notice it)
UNITRAV(el) [room#/favshortcut]- UNITRAV room#/shortcut will throw universe, touch closest exit and GOTO. UNITRAV opens clickable prompt similar to left clicking a highlighted map, but it'll throw a universe for you.

TRAV [rm#/favshortcut]- TRAV is basically GOTO in mudlet mapper, but you can use your shortcuts as well as room#s. TRAV opens a similar clickable prompt

TCH [favshortcut]- TCH opens the same little echoLink prompt when you left click a highlighted map. Otherwise you can use TCH (shortcut). You'd use this if a map is in the room, it'll touch, then autotravel to your favorite location.

FUNI- fling universe, for use in the system.. replace it and all uses of expandAlias("funi") with your own flinging alias if you like. _This alias is set up for supercharge_

MPULIST- MPULIST will list your added favorites, their shortcut, and their room#
MPUADD (room#/HERE) (favname) (shortcut)- for adding favorites and setting the shortcut
MPUDEL (favname)- for deleting

I considered making unitravel do only a GOTO if the room was under x distance away, so it could replace using GOTO (although it wouldn't replace the clickable echos in mudlet mapper with universe usage). I even added some notes and an example in the unitravel script, but it's untested. I decided against adding it because I personally want to use two separate commands.. I don't want to be wasting universes when I'm traveling far but don't really feel like using one, and I also don't want to be in a tight situation, expecting a thrown universe exiting but selecting a favorite that was too close and doing a GOTO instead.

Uninstall- in package manager and delete mappoptable.lua in the home dir.
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Last edited by Dracunos on Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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