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New Speedwalk function

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:52 pm
by Oneymus
While helping Rydekull with an adaptation of the speedwalk function, I decided to flesh it out and offer it up for anyone interested.
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
function speedwalk (path, reverse, delay, start_delay)
	local direction_table = {}
	local reverse_table = {
		n 	= "s",
		e 	= "w",
		s 	= "n",
		w 	= "e",
		nw 	= "se",
		ne 	= "sw",
		se 	= "nw",
		sw 	= "ne",
		u 	= "d",
		d 	= "u"

   for count, direction in rex.gmatch( path, [[([1-9]+)?([newsdu]|\[[\w\W]+?\])]] ) do
		count = (type(tonumber(count)) == "number" and count) or 1
		direction = direction:gsub( "[%[%]]", "" )

      for i=1, count do 
			direction_table[#direction_table+1] = direction

	local current_delay = start_delay or delay
	if not reverse then
		for _, direction in ipairs( direction_table ) do
			if not delay then
				send( direction )
				tempTimer( current_delay, function () send( direction ) end )
				current_delay = current_delay + delay
		for i = #direction_table, 1, -1 do
			local reversed = reverse_table[direction_table[i]] or direction_table[i]

			if not delay then
				send( reversed )
				tempTimer( current_delay, function () send( reversed ) end )
				current_delay = current_delay + delay
Paths are a single string. No spaces or commas or anything. For instance, this was my test string: "2s[nw]3e[jump][hop]4e[row the boat 10 times]2wn[se]". Basically, any cardinal direction (n, e, s, w, d, u) is passed as a single character. Commands are passed in brackets. Optionally, you can prepend a number to any command to have it repeated that many times.

As you can see, in order to handle diagonals, you need to pass them in []'s. You can add anything you'd like to the reverse_table (like in = "out") and commands will be reversed.

The only real addition to the current, built-in speedwalk function is the ability to pass arbitrary commands. It loses some input flexibility, however.

This can easily be adapted to handle any sort of activity, not just walking.