Predator Limb Counter

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Predator Limb Counter

Post by Delrayne »

A predator limb counter for Imperian. If you aren't a predator, all the groundwork is already laid out, so it'd be easily modified to which ever profession you use. I've included everything it uses, from my target table to my targetting alias, so if you decide to use and already have them, delete mine and change any variables that are duplicated to yours. If you go with your targetting alias, be sure to do 'yourvariable = string.titile(matches[2])' else none of the triggers will match.

You'll also have to find your own way to echo the information back to you. I've added it in my prompt, but some may have a console window you'd rather use. Pick your poison and add it in there.

Predator Limb Counter

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