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Timed "Warning" Labels.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 8:21 pm
by kevutian
This function will provide Mudlet users with easy access to "warning" style labels.

The function currently accepts two arguments, label name and label text. The function is called as standard, i.e.

Code: Select all

visWarning("test", "test")
It currently accepts two concurrent labels, with the second receiving a 75 pixel offset.
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
function visWarning(name, text)
	local width, height = getMainWindowSize()     -- Get our current window dimensions
	local strLen = text:len()     -- Find the character length of our "warning"
	if windowExists == false then     -- Does a warning window already exist?
		createLabel(name, (width / 2) - 300, (height / 2) - 100, 250, 150, 1)
		resizeWindow(name, strLen * 25, 70)
		moveWindow(name, (width - (strLen * 25)) / 2, (height / 2) - 100) -- Dynamically place the window dependent on the length of our "warning"
		windowExists = true
		moveWindow(name, (width - (strLen * 25)) / 2, (height / 2) - 175)
	setBackgroundColor(name, 255, 51, 51, 200)
	echo(name, [[<p style="font-size:35px"><b><center><font color="white"> ]] .. text .. [[</font></center></b></p>]])
	tempTimer(3, [[hideWindow("]] .. name .. [[");windowExists = false]])     -- Remove the window after 3 seconds
As always, this code is provided, "as-is" - Should there be any glaring issues, please do report them on this thread.

Thanks, and enjoy!

Re: Timed "Warning" Labels.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:15 am
by chris
It looks cool. Here are some suggestions for it:
visWarning(text) -> would make a random label id and raise the raise (so no need to define the label name)
raiseWarning('label') -> would recall a priorly made label

Re: Timed "Warning" Labels.

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:38 pm
by kevutian
Ahh, thanks for the feedback. Never even noticed you commented on here.

I actually already implemented the random id element. I'll get onto the recall at some point.
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
function visWarn(text)
	local width, height = getMainWindowSize()
	local strLen = text:len()
	local pre = function () local hex = { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f" } return tostring(hex[math.random(#hex)] .. hex[math.random(#hex)] .. math.random(999, 9999)) end
	local label = pre()

	tmp.labels[label] = text
	createLabel(label, (width / 2) - 300, (height / 2) - 100, 250, 150, 1)
	setLabelStyleSheet(label, [[
		color: #333;
		border: 2px solid #555;
		border-radius: 11px;
		padding: 5px;
		background: qradialgradient(cx: 0.3, cy: -0.4,
		fx: 0.3, fy: -0.4,
		radius: 1.35, stop: 0 #fff, stop: 1 #888);
		min-width: 80px;
	resizeWindow(label, strLen * 25, 70)

	local offsetTable = { 100, 200, 300 }
	local tabLen, offset = countTable(tmp.labels), 100

	if countTable(tmp.labels) == 1 then	
		moveWindow(label, (width - (strLen * 25)) / 2, (height / 2) - offset) 
		moveWindow(label, (width - (strLen * 25)) / 2, (height / 2) - offsetTable[tabLen]) 

	setBackgroundColor(label, 255, 51, 51, 200)
	echo(label, [[<p style="font-size:35px"><b><center><font color="blue"> ]] .. text .. [[</font></center></b></p>]])
	tempTimer(5, [[hideWindow(next(tmp.labels));keyRemove(tmp.labels, next(tmp.labels))]])

Code: [show] | [select all] lua
function countTable(tbl)
	local c = 0
	for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
		c = c + 1
	return c
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
function keyRemove(tbl, key)
    local element = tbl[key]
    tbl[key] = nil
    return element

Re: Timed "Warning" Labels.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:00 pm
by Delrayne
I suggest that they be made see through, or at least given the option to make them see through.

Re: Timed "Warning" Labels.

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 12:32 pm
by kevutian
Sure thing. I'll get on that today.

Re: Timed "Warning" Labels.

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 8:11 am
by Delrayne
Any update on the transparent labels?

Re: Timed "Warning" Labels.

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 6:20 am
by kevutian
Oh, sorry. I just happened upon this thread, heh.

Here's the latest code for them. It's composed of two parts; a function and a global timer.

Code: [show] | [select all] lua
--- Display high visibility warning labels.
-- For each string passed, this function will display a highly visible, timed warning label.
-- You may specify how long the label will remain by passing an optional second argument.
-- @param text The text to display.
-- @param duration How long the label should remain.
-- @usage visWarn("I am a warning label.", 3)
-- @usage visWarn("I am a warning label.")
function visWarn(text, duration)
	local width, height = getMainWindowSize()
	local strLen = text:len()
	local label = rndStr(8, "%l%d")

	tmp.labels[label] = {label = label, text = text, duration = (duration or 5)}
	createLabel(label, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
	setLabelStyleSheet(label, [[
		background-color: #333300;
		border: 5px double #339900;
		border-radius: 12px;
		color: #ff99ff;
		font-size: 12px;
		font-family: Zekton;
		font-style: normal;
		padding: 3px;
	resizeWindow(label, strLen * 25, 70)
	local tabLen, offset = countTable(tmp.labels), 100
	local topPos = (height / 2.0) - (tabLen * 75)
	if topPos > 0 then
		moveWindow(label, (width - (strLen * 18)) / 3, topPos)

	echo(label, [[<p style="font-size:35px"><b><center><font color="yellow"> ]] .. text .. [[</font></center></b></p>]])
	if topPos > 0 then
		table.insert(tmp.displayedLabels, label)
		table.insert(tmp.labelQueue, label)

And the timer function:
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
function viswarn_loop()
	if not tmp.labels then return end
	local toHide = {}
	local needRedraw = false

	for index, label in pairs(tmp.displayedLabels) do
		tmp.labels[label].duration = tmp.labels[label].duration - 0.5
		if tmp.labels[label].duration <= 0 then
			toHide[label] = true
			needRedraw = true

	for i = 1, #(tmp.displayedLabels) do
		if not tmp.displayedLabels[i] then break end
		if toHide[tmp.displayedLabels[i]] then
			tmp.labels[tmp.displayedLabels[i]] = nil
			table.remove(tmp.displayedLabels, i)
			i = i - 1
	local width, height = getMainWindowSize()
	if needRedraw or (#(tmp.displayedLabels) == 0 and #(tmp.labelQueue) > 0) then
		local brk = false
		local iter = 1
		while not brk do
			local topPos = (height / 1.5) - ((iter) * 75)
			if tmp.displayedLabels[iter] then
				local label = tmp.displayedLabels[iter]
				moveWindow(label, (width - (#(tmp.labels[label].text) * 25)) / 3, topPos)
			elseif topPos >= 0 and #(tmp.labelQueue) > 0 then
				local label = table.remove(tmp.labelQueue, 1)
				table.insert(tmp.displayedLabels, label)
				moveWindow(label, (width - (#(tmp.labels[label].text) * 25)) / 3, topPos)
				brk = true
			iter = iter + 1
Enjoy :)

Re: Timed "Warning" Labels.

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:42 am
by Akaya
This isn't working for me. Pasted the two functions into two separate scripts on a fresh profile then tried running the example usage listed in the first script. Is this the proper way to do so?

Re: Timed "Warning" Labels.

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:00 am
by phasma
Oh? What's the problem? Have a precise error for me? These should simply 'just work' but should they not, it's almost certainly nothing more than a missing table declaration.