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Re: The demonnic MDK

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 12:51 am
by demonnic
MDK 1.1.0 released to go with Mudlet 4.10.0! Includes support for commandlines, background images, and self-logging miniconsoles!

Check it out here:

Re: The demonnic MDK

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 11:24 pm
by demonnic
MDK 1.1.1 released. Small release for EMCO:replay(tabName, numLines) and EMCO:replayAll(numLines) to replay logs into the tabs.

Re: The demonnic MDK

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 12:13 am
by demonnic

MDK 1,1.2 released.

It's been a hot minute since I updated this post. has the list of releases since 1.0.9, but some highlights include:

LoggingConsole: all the goodness of a miniconsole, with automatic logging options.
EMCO: command line, background image, tab text formatting options, replay/replayAll for reading your logs back into the miniconsoles on load, Options to set and adjust buffer size and number of lines deleted when full.
demontools: collection of useful functions that get used multiple places or don't really belong elsewhere. mkdir_p,

Re: The demonnic MDK

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 9:59 pm
by demonnic
1.1.3 released. Adds overflow support to text gauges.


Re: The demonnic MDK

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 6:55 am
by demonnic
1.1.5 released.
Check out for the full info, but in short since 1.1.3
Adds echofile module which contains
* f, which allows for string interpolation.Encapsulate code you want evaluated/variables you want inserted between {}, similar to Python's f. I fiddled with f-strings until I got it working the way I wanted.
* a/c/d/h/echoFile and a/c/d/h/echoFilef variants. Reads a file and echos it through the appropriate function. the f versions run it through f first, allowing for templated files.

Re: The demonnic MDK

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 12:32 am
by demonnic
MDK 2.0.0 released.

With absolutely no new features whatsoever! This release is marked 2.0 because it does make a few breaking changes.

* The MDK mpackage is now MDK, not MDK-1. I made muddler able to do this a while back but I promised not to change this for a while the last time I changed it. That being said, it just makes more sense and it's not like I was incrementing the version in the package name, and I won't change it again after this.
* TextFormatter and TableMaker are now included withing the ftext module. You can require them directly by doing
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
local TextFormatter = require("MDK.textformatter").TextFormatter
* I standardized the filenames to all be lowercase. This mostly changed EMCO.lua and TextGauges.lua (which became textgauge.lua)
* I made the MDK wiki( the one stop shop for non-API documentation becaaaaause
* I am sunsetting all the downstream projects which are included in the MDK. Trying to keep up with additional releases for things like EMCO, fText, etc was too much of a hassle and just ended up not being done more often than not.

So I decided to make this a 2.0.0 release, and use it to give people time to adjust to the changes.

Re: The demonnic MDK

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 4:14 am
by demonnic
MDK 2.1.0 released.

Minor bugfix in saving/restoring EMCOs which had timestamps turned on.

Also added a Master Mind solver class which can solve Master Mind puzzles for you. More info at

Re: The demonnic MDK

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 11:38 pm
by demonnic
MDK 2.2.0 released

Adds the Loginator, which provides an easy mechanism for writing html or text logs for your scripts. Only writes logs of a specific severity or higher to disk.

Fixes a bug in the loggingconsole where replaying html logs would sometimes include pieces of the header if there were less actual lines logged than requested

Fixes a bug in SUG (Self Updating Gauges) where the 2nd and subsequent SUGs would be automatically disabled due to me accidentally putting SUG: where I meant self: .

loginator sample


Re: The demonnic MDK

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 8:55 pm
by demonnic
MDK 2.3.0 released. Few small things

EMCO: will not spin up a timer if you haven't turned on blinking

SUG: can now have the gauge update on an event rather than just a timer. setting updateTime to 0 will disable the timer without disabling the entire gauge. updateEvent to "" to disable the event based updates. Setting active = false will stop updates for both, as will :stop()/start()

TableMaker: can now disable the display of the row separator. Also has a new optional title and display of the title

Re: The demonnic MDK

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 6:33 pm
by demonnic
MDK 2.4.0 released: adds functions for turning logging on/off at the tab or emco level. Also resolves a bug introduced with the last release if you set blink to true but did not specify your own blinkTime.