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Re: cMud Map Importer

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 11:02 pm
by AZygote
For brand new users
1)Import the map - run cmud importmap. A file dialog will open up where you can select the map.

How do I run 'cmud importmap'? I can see the script, I have downloaded the .dbm file, but can't find a way to execute the script and get the dialog to open.

Thanks! If I can get the map to work with the mud I'm plating I think I will be a Mudlet convert :)

Re: cMud Map Importer

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 5:36 am
by Vadi
Have you installed the script? Typing that command when it's installed should do something.

Re: cMud Map Importer

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 10:09 pm
by Nyyrazzilyss
AZygote wrote: How do I run 'cmud importmap'? I can see the script, I have downloaded the .dbm file, but can't find a way to execute the script and get the dialog to open.
Once the script itself has been installed (use the module manager to do that) the command 'cmud importmap' is a predefined alias in that script.

Just type 'cmud importmap'

Just an FYI in regards to that btw (I used this script a year or so back). Importing the cmud mapfile is only half the challenge. Once imported, you then need to write another script yourself to actually use the map data in combination with how whatever mud you're doing this for works.

Re: cMud Map Importer

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 8:53 pm
by AZygote
Thanks for the reply. I changed <require "luasql"> to <require "luasql.sqlite3">, which got rid of the error message in the banner area. However, the error <LUA: ERROR running script refresh map (timer2) ERROR:[string "funcall global 'ProcessMap' a nil value> remains. I'm trying to find the area in the script to take a look at it.

Re: cMud Map Importer

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 9:33 pm
by Nyyrazzilyss
Totally forgot about the luasql.sqlite3 thing, I had to make that change myself when I used this script.

The error however in regards to 'ProcessMap' isn't familiar at all. I just checked mine/ that string doesn't exist, and downloaded the xml and it didn't exist there either. This is the new(er) xml of the script, correct, not the older version? (the opening post lists 2 versions)

Re: cMud Map Importer

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 12:50 am
by AZygote
Yes, it is the newer version. ProcessMap() is a Timer, and the only line is: ProcessMap(). I commented it out and the error went away, but the script still doesn't invoke finding a file and converting it when I type <cmud importmap>. I'm stumped.

Re: cMud Map Importer

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:01 am
by Latino
i just found out this client and i think its pretty awesome, i got some problem importing my map tho, (coz im a big noob)


1)Download n install the script
2)Locate .dbm file (the map file)
3)type cmud importmap (select the previously located file)

at this point an incomplete map showed up

I know, at this point i should write down a little script to locate my self, with

i dont know where to write that down, what exactly i need to do? where i need to click? im a noob on this topic.
pls help i really want to use this client

Re: cMud Map Importer

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 6:46 pm
by Latino
i followed the steps, now i can see all my maps on my window, but im not able to set my current location and set a way to recognize the rooms.
i play on a italian mud (Tempora Sanqguinis 2) here is a sample of room view:

Il Centro Commerciale
Ti trovi nel famoso centro commerciale di Midia. Da qui partono strade
che portano in tutte le direzioni, a nord verso il centro della citta',
a sud verso la piazza dell'accordo e ad est ed ovest sulla strada
principale. Senti in lontananza i gruppi di avventurieri prepararsi alle
battaglie, hai quasi il cuore in gola, nonostante l'atmosfera e i
sentimenti che ti avvolgono non riesci a nascondere la vicinanza che hai
per questa bellissima citta' e tutto cio' che la circonda.
Uscite visibili: Nord Est Sud Ovest Up Down

*H>284/284 M>554/554 V>115/115 X>30357127 B:- [Angelico] (*(*)-(*)*) [0]

im a total noob on this topic, i just installed the script and loaded the map, at this point i shold centerview(id)how?
I need to write some script by my self?
I really like this Client and i want to use it can i have some hint on how to set it up "blindfolded" please?
already i tried to "edit" what i got but is not working

Re: cMud Map Importer

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 4:14 pm
by Vadi
Try using - follow instructions to adapt it to your MUD and see how you go!

Re: cMud Map Importer

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 10:37 pm
by mordisko
Hey there.

Having trouble to run this under Mudlet 3.4.0 as it seems unable to load the bit module needed to perform bitwise operations (they are used on the color checks).

Code: Select all

00:22:33.054 LUA: ERROR running script Color rooms (Alias53) ERROR:[string "Script: 24bit to 8bit color 
-------------converter"]:7: module 'bit' not found:
00:22:33.054 	no field package.preload['bit']
00:22:33.054 	no file '.\bit.lua'
00:22:33.054 	no file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Mudlet\lua\bit.lua'
00:22:33.054 	no file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Mudlet\lua\bit\init.lua'
00:22:33.054 	no file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Mudlet\bit.lua'
00:22:33.054 	no file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Mudlet\bit\init.lua'
00:22:33.054 	no file '.\bit.dll'
00:22:33.054 	no file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Mudlet\bit.dll'
00:22:33.054 	no file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Mudlet\loadall.dll'
does anyone know if there is a fix for this?