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permGroup Rewrite

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 1:40 pm
by Jor'Mox
I wrote an updated version of the permGroup function that allows you to specify a parent group for the group you are creating. It still works in the same manner that permGroup does, meaning that what is created is not actually a group, but rather a blank trigger/alias/timer. The original syntax still works as expected (permGroup(name, type)). To specify a parent, just add the name as the last argument (permGroup(name, type, parent)).
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
--Overwriting the existing permGroup function so that it supports
--nesting groups. Even though the function technically does not
--create "groups".
function permGroup(name, itemtype, parent)
    assert(type(name) == "string", "permGroup: need a name for the new group")
    parent = parent or ""

    local t = {
        timer = function(name, parent)
            return not (permTimer(name, parent, 0, "") == -1)
        trigger = function(name, parent)
            return not (permSubstringTrigger(name, parent, {""}, "") == -1)
        alias = function(name, parent)
            return not (permAlias(name, parent, "", "") == -1)
    return t[itemtype](name,parent)

Re: permGroup Rewrite

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 12:38 pm
by Vadi
That's awesome. Um... how about pressing the edit button on ... r.lua#L144 again? :)

Re: permGroup Rewrite

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 12:57 pm
by Jor'Mox
Done. And I went back through the code to eliminate silliness that was going on (some on my part, though it still worked, and some on the part of the original permGroup function, resulting in it always returning true, even if the group wasn't created).

Re: permGroup Rewrite

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 1:03 pm
by Vadi
Awesome, thanks. Will have a look.