Easy Time Difference

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Easy Time Difference

Post by kaeus »

So, I used to make a timer and do some annoying stuff to get the time difference between two events. I decided to just make it easier so I can call a function at the start of an event and the end to get the difference. Here is what I have.

Basically for some event, lets say...cheese:

then you can do this

diffTime("cheese") --Returns a string with the time in each increment that has changed, destroys the key
diffTime("cheese", true) --Same thing, but wont remove that event. Allows you to check elapsed time and keep it
diffTime("cheese", true, true) --Same as above, but returns a numerical difference in seconds elapsed
Code: [show] | [select all] lua

function storeTime(key)
	if not ksys.time then
		ksys.time = {}

	ksys.time[key] = {
		h = getTime().hour,
		m = getTime().min,
		s = getTime().sec,
		z = getTime().msec

	return true

function diffTime(key, check, numeric)
	if not ksys.time[key] then
		if not check then
			cecho("\nTime not stored for that event.")
		return 0

	local curtime = {
		h = getTime().hour,
		m = getTime().min,
		s = getTime().sec,
		z = getTime().msec
	if numeric then
		return ((curtime.h - ksys.time[key].h) * 360) + ((curtime.m - ksys.time[key].m) * 60) + (curtime.s - ksys.time[key].s)

	local outstring = ""

	if curtime.h > ksys.time[key].h then
		outstring = outstring .. (curtime.h - ksys.time[key].h) .. " hr "
	if curtime.m > ksys.time[key].m then
		outstring = outstring .. (curtime.m - ksys.time[key].m) .. " min "
	if curtime.s > ksys.time[key].s then
		outstring = outstring .. (curtime.s - ksys.time[key].s) .. " sec "
	if curtime.z > ksys.time[key].z then
		outstring = outstring .. (curtime.z - ksys.time[key].z) .. " ms "

	if not check then
		ksys.time[key] = nil

	return outstring:gsub(".$", "")

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Re: Easy Time Difference

Post by Vadi »

Nice. Here is also something related for anyone looking: http://forums.mudlet.org/viewtopic.php? ... work#p3289

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