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Variable Saving/Loading System

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 4:10 am
by JerleMinara
Vadi wanted to give you guys a crack at some new code coming next version, just to make sure it doesn't break. So, without further adieu.. Introducing the variable perstistence system. This is a way to store variables/tables/etc for later use! Currently it requires manual loading and saving, but once its been put through the works it'll be hooked up to load/save on profile open/close

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-- This function flags a variable to be saved by Mudlet's variable persistence system.
-- Usage: remember("varName")
-- Example: remember("table_Weapons")
-- Example: remember("var_EnemyHeight")
-- Variables are automatically unpacked into the global namespace when the profile is loaded. 
-- They are saved to "SavedVariables.lua" when the profile is closed or saved.

function remember(varName)
	if not _saveTable then
		_saveTable = {}

	_saveTable[varName] = _G[varName]


--- This function should be primarily used by Mudlet. It loads saved settings in from the Mudlet home directory
--- and unpacks them into the global namespace. 
function loadVars()
	if string.char(getMudletHomeDir():byte()) == "/" then _sep = "/" else  _sep = "\\" end
	local l_SettingsFile = getMudletHomeDir() .. _sep .. "SavedVariables.lua"
	local lt_VariableHolder = {}
	if (io.exists(l_SettingsFile)) then
		table.load(l_SettingsFile, lt_VariableHolder)
		for k,v in pairs(lt_VariableHolder) do
			_G[k] = v

-- This function should primarily be used by Mudlet. It saves the contents of _saveTable into a file for persistence.

function saveVars()
	if string.char(getMudletHomeDir():byte()) == "/" then _sep = "/" else  _sep = "\\" end
	local l_SettingsFile = getMudletHomeDir() .. _sep .. "SavedVariables.lua"
	for k,_ in pairs(_saveTable) do -- Update all variables 
	end, _saveTable)

Re: Variable Saving/Loading System

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:23 pm
by JerleMinara
This is currently in the Git, however HEAD is at a slightly older revision(The original incarnation that did table unpacking, which was ultimately unnecessary).

I'll poke Heiko about getting a commit up with this current version.