why do I get this error "Lua syntax error:[string "Script: Gauges"]:37: attempt to call method 'setStyleSheet' (a nil value)" after editing Gauges?
Geyser UI Template
Re: Geyser UI Template
why do I get this error "Lua syntax error:[string "Script: Gauges"]:37: attempt to call method 'setStyleSheet' (a nil value)" after editing Gauges?
why do I get this error "Lua syntax error:[string "Script: Gauges"]:37: attempt to call method 'setStyleSheet' (a nil value)" after editing Gauges?
Re: Geyser UI Template
Here is a modern take on this old classic. This version uses Adjustable Containers, Geyser Buttons and updates the style sheets using best practices in today's Mudlet.
http://mudlet.github.io/mudlet-package- ... x.mpackage
http://mudlet.github.io/mudlet-package- ... x.mpackage