Mudlet features and API requests

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Re: Mudlet features and API requests

Post by Daza »

I don't know if Mudlet is still being updated or whatnot. But I recently got it to play LOTJ and its great. Easy on the eyes. However I find a lot of chat channel chatter coming through the main window distracting. I know there is a command to turn it off certain channels, but it also turns it off on the channels window to the right.

What I would like to suggest (for the LOTJ version- I presume each MUD that is preset on Mudlet has its own GUI?) is a mode or setting we can toggle on/off, whereby those commands (eg. chan -ooc) only work in the main window and not affect the side window. I believe there can be scripting to do this, but scripting is out of my depth right now. It would be handy for new users to have this feature available. Perhaps this option has a popup list where with check boxes to choose which channels to configure this setting to. So when active specific or all channel talk comes through the right window, where we there are already buttons to filter which we want to see.

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Re: Mudlet features and API requests

Post by demonnic »

The LOTJ GUI package is maintained by the LOTJ admins, you should perhaps bring this up to them. Unfortunately every game is different and how it's capturing the data for its chat channels may be different from how other games are doing it so it's difficult for Mudlet to implement anything universal for something like that. We keep a list of games in Mudlet but we do not create any of the UI packages which they install when you connect.

And Mudlet is definitely still updated, our last release was only a few months ago.

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Discord: mcgiwer#5324

Re: Mudlet features and API requests

Post by mcgiwer »

Hello. I got a question, with could into a feature request.

What do you think about implementing into Mudlet something like a KiwiIRC to allow the players to have a direct communication with each other while playing in the MUD/MUSH. The IRC server and MUD/MUSH channel should be settable in the specific game settings.

This would allow to also bypass the MUD/MUSH communication limits and making a message chaos inside of the game, thru with the game gives less fun.
demonnic wrote:
Sun Jan 09, 2022 11:31 pm
a. You can change how many lines are shown in the buffer (and how many are deleted at once) using setConsoleBufferSize ... BufferSize
I think that Mudlet should self detect and set automatically it's default value to the screen hight minus the sizes of the window top and the bottom (where the user is typing)
Last edited by mcgiwer on Tue Sep 26, 2023 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mudlet features and API requests

Post by demonnic »

Mudlet has an IRC feature built in already which allows you to set server and room. It's currently a dropdown underneath the Discord icon in the toolbar, or help->irc in the menu. Defaults to I believe and #Mudlet as the channel but it's all configurable under settings->chat. There are also events raised when messages come in and functions you can use for automating interactions over IRC should you choose to do so.

By default I think Mudlet uses 1000 lines for its buffer, which is a lot more than most people can fit on the screen at any one time. The buffer is the entirety of the text held in the console, including all the scrollback. So the larger the number you feed setConsoleBufferSize the further you can scroll back in your history.

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Re: Mudlet features and API requests

Post by Vadi »

It's a thousand with an extra zero, so 10,000 by default =)

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Re: Mudlet features and API requests

Post by Bigglesbee »

Haven't read all 54 pages of this thread, so ignore me if this has come up before, but I feel there are a few quality-of-life features missing that would be very useful for me and probably a lot of other people:
  1. Having an option for the profile list window to be a smaller, more organizable list (rather than the big graphical tiles we have now) would be super useful for MUDs where you have a lot of alts.
  2. Being able to open multiple alt profiles at once without a complex script/command, maybe just by ctrl+selecting them, then clicking a single connect button?
  3. A built-in way to easily send commands to: all tabs currently opened, a specific tab, or every tab that isn't the currently focused one. There is a user-made plugin for this, but it isn't maintained, and you have to install the plugin manually on every character profile. So if this were built in, that'd be super useful.

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