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Mudlet 3.0.0 epsilon! (preview #5)

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 10:59 pm
by Vadi
Mudlet 3.0.0-epsilon is here! This is a preview release of what Mudlet 3.0 will look like. In this release we focused a lot on the mapper and the remaining issues for 3.0.



Please provide all feedback and problem reports on 3.0.0-epsilon here! Feature requests can be done in our dedicated thread.

Re: Mudlet 3.0.0 epsilon! (preview #5)

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 12:11 am
by Nyyrazzilyss

If I try and create a new profile, mudlet is crashing if I attempt to move to the next field by mouse/or tab after entering the profile name. After restarting, the profile was created/I can still edit it to use it.

(windows 10)

Thanks for epsilon though!

Re: Mudlet 3.0.0 epsilon! (preview #5)

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 9:25 pm
by SlySven
Um, that was me! :oops:

I spotted a situation where a value was used as a divisor and in a corner case could be zero - so to fix it I added one to it to avoid a divide by zero situation and the consequent crashing it would cause - only to miss the situation where the value would be -1 to start with (in the more common case where a NEW profile was being made) which thus immediately provoked the situation I was trying to stop. Mea culpa :oops:

Anyhow a fix is already in place as Pull Requests 337 and 338 Vadim just has to roll some new binaries...

Re: Mudlet 3.0.0 epsilon! (preview #5)

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 9:56 pm
by Vadi
Yep. A new preview release will come in three weeks time - it's only been 24h since the last one and we don't know what other issues are lurking in there. Plus, we don't have an easy way to do updates, so every update is an effort on the thousands of users we've got to download and install the upgrade - can't be pumping them out nilly-willy.

Re: Mudlet 3.0.0 epsilon! (preview #5)

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 12:05 am
by Nyyrazzilyss
I believe it's been reversed for the moment, however, something else re: the change to the debug window:

sysWindowResizeEvent is constantly (every second) called by mudlet, despite no changes being made to window size.
That leads to constant spam of:

LUA OK script WindowResizeEvent (handleWindowResizeEvent) ran without errors

In regards to the installation itself - In windows, it doesn't put/or given an option to place an icon on the desktop.

Re: Mudlet 3.0.0 epsilon! (preview #5)

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 12:10 am
by Vadi
The windows installer has had its options cut down as they weren't working - had to remove running Mudlet right after the install as well. They'll be reinstated in the future!

Re: Mudlet 3.0.0 epsilon! (preview #5)

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 4:16 pm
by SlySven
Nyyrazzilyss wrote:...
sysWindowResizeEvent is constantly (every second) called by mudlet, despite no changes being made to window size.
That leads to constant spam of:

LUA OK script WindowResizeEvent (handleWindowResizeEvent) ran without errors
My best guess is that you have a timer or something else that is running every second and that is doing something that jiggles a console window even though it actually doesn't change the size - do you have any candidates for that - and can you avoid doing it if you don't have to - apart from anything else it seems wasteful of processing time doing something that has no effect which might be more useful for other things? ;)

Re: Mudlet 3.0.0 epsilon! (preview #5)

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 6:35 pm
by Nyyrazzilyss
Thanks, isolated that one - I really haven't looked at the debug window in a long time, this is the first time i'm using it again.

I had a call to setBorderBottom that was occuring regardless of it having changed - It would get called (to the same value as existing value) and that's what was generating the event. I'll change that to check value before calling, instead of just calling it regardless.



Next one though - With all timers disabled, i'm seeing

LUA OK anonymous Lua function ran without errors

repeat every 3 seconds. This would also be happening while no text is arriving from the mud. Thoughts on that?

Re: Mudlet 3.0.0 epsilon! (preview #5)

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 6:51 pm
by Vadi

Re: Mudlet 3.0.0 epsilon! (preview #5)

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 7:02 pm
by Nyyrazzilyss
Must have been a tempTimer, while I was looked for it it suddenly stopped happening?? Definitely my code though, not mudlet.

The debug button would work perfectly/ be totally usable again if I should not see my 1 second timer's
'LUA OK script MudTimer2 (Timer1) ran without errors' :)