4.12 - sustainability edition

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4.12 - sustainability edition

Post by Vadi »

Sustainability is a hot topic in 2021 for all the right reasons: We want to ensure that we can keep doing what we're doing. It is, coincidentally, the theme of Mudlet 4.12 as well - We'd like to be sure that we can keep building Mudlet as the game client you know & like well into the future. It's been difficult for the last little while with the conditions that we've faced - the certificate signing, moving off of Travis, and most recently: The challenges of working on an international, remote-only project while we're faced with external stressors. For these reasons it's important to take the time to charge your batteries.

Please provide all feedback and problem reports on 4.12 here or over on Github or in our Discord chat. Thanks and have fun playing!

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