plz support korean language

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plz support korean language

Post by seungbiny »

plz support korean language

I just want to support encoding(EUC-KR) not all menus and functions.

plz consider about it.

thank you

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Re: plz support korean language

Post by demonnic »

Hi there!

Sorry it took us a while to respond. We have the person who is most familiar with the encodings and how to add them looking into this. In the meantime I made an issue on github for tracking this so it doesn't get forgotten:

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Re: plz support korean language

Post by Vadi »

Where will you find this useful and what games can we test it with?

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Re: plz support korean language

Post by Vadi »

Ping @seungbiny. We'd be happy to support it, but need to know the scope we're working with =)

Also, is utf-8 an option for you?

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Re: plz support korean language

Post by SlySven »

Please can the OP try the test version in the second post in this Pull-Request: .

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Re: plz support korean language

Post by seungbiny »

hey guys. @SlySven, @Vadi, @demonnic

Sorry. I had forgotten that I even posted here. I was just enjoying the game with the familiar zmud... I'm really sorry. Looking at the responses, it seems like EUC-KR has been updated! It's really nice that you listened to the suggestions of a passing user (even though there was no feedback) and updated it. Thanks to that, my heart feels warm, so I'm leaving a reply. I'm planning to test various triggers and such on version 1.71. If there are any issues while playing, I'll report them.

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Re: plz support korean language

Post by SlySven »

en: We welcome help from bi-lingual or multi-lingual users in converting the User Interface of Mudlet to suit other languages, this is being done on the CrowdIn site: We do not yet have anything for a Korean user interface - but it should be fairly simple to initiate something for the ko_KR {Korean (South Korea)} locale.

Translation via Google
ko: 우리는 Mudlet의 사용자 인터페이스를 다른 언어에 맞게 변환하는 데 양의 언어 또는 다국어 사용자의 도움을 환영합니다. 이것은 Crowdin 사이트 (에서 수행됩니다. 우리는 아직 한국 사용자 인터페이스에 대한 것이 없지만 ko_kr {Korean (한국)} 로케일을 위해 무언가를 시작하는 것은 상당히 간단해야합니다.

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Re: plz support korean language

Post by Theadis1955 »

ko: 안녕하세요,

Mudlet의 사용자 인터페이스를 다른 언어로 번역하는 작업에 참여할 수 있다는 점이 정말 멋지네요. 다국어 지원은 다양한 사용자들에게 더 나은 경험을 제공하는 데 큰 도움이 됩니다. 한국어 로케일(ko_kr)을 시작하는 것도 흥미로운 도전일 것 같습니다.

한국어 사용자 인터페이스를 만들려면 먼저 Crowdin 사이트에서 프로젝트에 참여하고, 필요한 번역 작업을 진행하면 될 것 같습니다. 저도 한국어 번역 작업에 기여할 방법을 찾아보고 싶네요. Mudlet이 더욱 다양한 언어를 지원할 수 있도록 함께 노력해봅시다!

Edited by: SlySven, to add English translation:

It's really nice to be able to participate in the translation of MUDLET's user interface into another language. Multilingual support is a great help to provide a better experience for a variety of users. Starting a Korean locale (KO_KR) seems to be an interesting challenge.

To create a Korean user interface, you can first participate in the project on the Crowdin site and proceed with the translation work you need. I want to find a way to contribute to Korean translation. Let's work together to help MUDLET supports more languages!

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Re: plz support korean language

Post by SlySven »

For the record the Korean translation of the Mudlet application's GUI is now at 95% ("Gold star" level) - which is on a par with the German one (only Italian is more complete at 100%!) :)

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Re: plz support korean language

Post by Vadi »

Just a heads up that was all machine translated (see context ... 9384709170), so it would be great to have a human double-check those translations!

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