How do I stop the game GUI from automatically downloading?

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How do I stop the game GUI from automatically downloading?

Post by cry1004 »

This is my first time downloading and using Mudlet.

I am localizing the LuminariMUD source code to Korean.
Right now I am testing it on my local computer, and when I connect to my mud server, it automatically downloads the game GUI.

I clicked the cancel button to cancel the download, but I want to create my own GUI for my server.

Or I don't want to automatically download the GUI.
If I create my own GUI for my server, do I need to add files to the server?

Or where can I find help for this?

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Re: How do I stop the game GUI from automatically downloading?

Post by SlySven »

"Load" your LiminariMUD profile (rather then "Connect"-ing it) - then open the Preferences (settings) dialogue and on the first tab make sure the "Allow server to install scripts packages" option is unchecked:
Settings dialogue - pointing out the Allow server to install script packages option.png
then you can click "Reconnect" and Mudlet will not attempt to download that Server package then or in the future until you check that (per-profile) option.

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