Capture a whole block of text

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Capture a whole block of text

Post by branden7 »

Ok..Im moving on to (what I think) is more complicated stuff.
I want to capture a whole block and output it to another window.

Code: [show] | [select all] lua
   Skill Name                Uses Remaining   Level

   Biting                             293     5
   Parry                              473     5
   Shadow Strike                      188     5
   Climbing                           419     5
   Close Combat                       196     14
   Hiding                             1056    20
   Wound Mending                      128     8
   Ranged Combat                      986     10
   Sneaking                           1204    18
   Swimming                           0       100
   Unarmed Combat                     884     9
   Dodge                              297     3
   Bundling                           191     2
   Digging                            390     6
   Fishing                            491     5
   Skinning                           382     4
   Wood Chopping                      443     5
   Mining                             956     10
   Stone Sculpting                    125     2
   Speculating                        788     8
   Cooking                            200     2
   Fire Building                      428     5
   Foraging                           446     5
I want to grab all of that, and send it to a skill window.
This is very probably a little bit more complicated than basic forum help.
If you guys could just give me an idea of the psuedo-code behind that and methods I could use, i can probably fill in the rest.

My basic idea is to start matching at the line Skill Name, and then copy line by line until I encounter an empty line, and I guess store each line in some sort of array (table in lua right?).
Does that make sense? What all would I need to use for that?

Lastly, I do have a lot of questions, and when you guys get tired of answering them that's fine..I dont expect you all to spend your time teaching me every aspect of Mudlet.

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Re: Capture a whole block of text

Post by xabre »

Well, simplest solution would be matching each of those lines and outputing them individually. Yeah, seems like a long list but it just works(TM).

If a prompt line comes right after the list, check wiki on making trigger chains, make trigger

Code: Select all

^Skill Name                Uses Remaining   Level$[/quote]

and make a chain that will output every incoming line after it till the prompt is recieved.
You have examples both on wiki and here on forum.

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Re: Capture a whole block of text

Post by demonnic »

You should look into tempLineTrigger() for this, perhaps. If the output is something that you kick off, you can create an alias which sets the trigger to use a function of your divising. You can check the output of the 'line' variable which holds the string equivalent of the current line from the server. Combine this with the isPrompt() function (if your mud uses telnet GA signals at the prompt) and you can do something like the following

alias' code:
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
if skillTempTrigger then 
  skillTempTrigger = nil
skillTempTrigger = tempLineTrigger(0,99,[[skillTriggerWork()]])
and then in a script:
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
function skillTriggerWork()
  if isPrompt() then
    skillTempTrigger = nil
  appendBuffer("MySkillWindow") --obviously, this will change
--uncomment if you want to remove the line from the main console

Keep in mind, this is all from my head and untested, but it should get you started. You could also make a trigger which is disabled and matches on any line (lua trigger type, text is "return true"), and in the alias enable it. Then make a child trigger which matches your prompt and disables the trigger.

How you go about it is really kind of up to you, but those are two options which should work.

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Re: Capture a whole block of text

Post by branden7 »

I dont think I get GA signals (it said <no GA> at bottom) but I like the idea..maybe I can just use a regex to match for my prompt because it does send a prompt after I check my skill list. I could tie it into a keystroke too possibly.

If I can't figure that out the second one should work..I think I get the idea there.
Ill let you know what I end up with, and thanks once again.

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Re: Capture a whole block of text

Post by branden7 » the results of each line are stored in a line variable.

It have it working..kind of. I can't get it to stop but I will figure out a way for it to stop when it hits my prompt (open to suggestions).
and then I'm thinking of putting it the results into a table and outputting the table into a label.

**IT would actually work best if I could test for a blank line of text. ***that doesnt actually quite work...I need it to ignore the first blank line, then match on the next blank line.

Will keep playing with it.
Last edited by branden7 on Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Capture a whole block of text

Post by demonnic »

Ok, but the first line of text after the headers is a blank line of text. Wouldn't it quit out before it got everything?

If you're already matching your prompt in a trigger, just add the following to the bottom of that trigger:
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
if skillTempTrigger then 
  skillTempTrigger = nil
And your prompt trigger should go ahead and stop the tempLineTrigger.

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Re: Capture a whole block of text

Post by branden7 »

Oh man! what the heck. Why didnt I think of that. That's good. That works.

and now I'm late for work.

I should have realized that would work.

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Re: Capture a whole block of text

Post by branden7 »

So I ended up having to change a few things around.
While the kill trigger in the prompt was brilliant and did work, the problem was that sometimes the prompt was coming long enough after the call to display the skills that it was picking up garbage. So I needed to go back to it dieing when it hit a new line..I added a counter and checked for both a count and a blank line.

The other problem had to do with the way that Geyser labels for. The appendBuffer method just doesn't seem to work. There is probably an easier way to do what I am doing that I don't know about, but this seems to work. Here is what it looks like:
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
--initialize vars
skillTable = {}
skillCounter = 0  

--Function to build the the table
function skillTriggerWork()
 if (string.find(line, "[a-z]") == nil) and (skillCounter > 3) then
    skillTempTrigger = nil
	 formatSkillTable()  --ok, we are done collecting data. Call this to display it 
    skillCounter = 0 --reset counter
    for k in pairs (skillTable) do    --this wipes the table out. 
    	skillTable[k] = nil
	 end               --end for
 end                  --end if
skillCounter = skillCounter + 1  --cant seem to find a better way to increment
table.insert(skillTable, line)

--function to output the table
function formatSkillTable()
skillOutput = table.concat(skillTable, "<br>")
GUI.Box6:echo("<pre>" .. skillOutput);  
Then it's called when on a keystroke that both sends "skills" to the MUD and calls the function.

If you see any way to make the run better do let me know.

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Re: Capture a whole block of text

Post by demonnic »

Ahh, yes, appendBuffer is for miniconsoles. echo is the way to do it with labels.

As for resetting the skillTable, why not just use skillTable = {} to get an empty table back again? Will have the same effect as setting all of the keys to nil.

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Re: Capture a whole block of text

Post by branden7 »

uhm...I don't know. Ha..
I guess I was thinking that would just create a new reference and leave the old table just hanging out reference-less but still taking up memory, but that probably really isnt a very big deal even if that is the case.

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