Mudlet 3.0.0-beta (preview #2)

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Re: Mudlet 3.0.0-beta (preview #2)

Post by Akaya »

Couldn't get GammaRay running off the bat, but managed to figure a few things out.

Here is the stylesheet for the above image if you want to use it as a reference. (It won't work stand alone unless you set GUI.Settings.Background_Color and GUI.Settings.Border_Color):
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
  QMainWindow {
     background: ]]..GUI.Settings.Background_Color..[[;
  QToolBar {
     background: ]]..GUI.Settings.Background_Color..[[;
  QToolButton {
     background: ]]..GUI.Settings.Background_Color..[[;
     border-style: solid;
     border-width: 2px;
     border-color: ]]..GUI.Settings.Border_Color..[[;
     border-radius: 5px;
     font-family: BigNoodleTitling;
     color: white;
     margin: 2px;
     font-size: 12pt;
  QDockWidget {
     background: ]]..GUI.Settings.Border_Color..[[;
  QStatusBar {
     background: ]]..GUI.Settings.Border_Color..[[;
  QScrollBar:vertical {
     background: ]]..GUI.Settings.Background_Color..[[;
     width: 15px;
     margin: 22px 0 22px 0;
  QScrollBar::handle:vertical {
     background-color: ]]..GUI.Settings.Background_Color..[[;
     min-height: 20px;
     border-width: 2px;
     border-style: solid;
     border-color: ]]..GUI.Settings.Border_Color..[[;
     border-radius: 7px;
  QScrollBar::add-line:vertical {
   background-color: ]]..GUI.Settings.Background_Color..[[;
   border-width: 2px;
   border-style: solid;
   border-color: ]]..GUI.Settings.Border_Color..[[;
   border-bottom-left-radius: 7px;
   border-bottom-right-radius: 7px;
	height: 15px;
	subcontrol-position: bottom;
	subcontrol-origin: margin;
  QScrollBar::sub-line:vertical {
   background-color: ]]..GUI.Settings.Background_Color..[[;
   border-width: 2px;
   border-style: solid;
   border-color: ]]..GUI.Settings.Border_Color..[[;
   border-top-left-radius: 7px;
   border-top-right-radius: 7px;
	height: 15px;
	subcontrol-position: top;
	subcontrol-origin: margin;
  QScrollBar::up-arrow:vertical, QScrollBar::down-arrow:vertical {
     background: white;
     width: 4px;
     height: 3px;
  QScrollBar::add-page:vertical, QScrollBar::sub-page:vertical {
     background: none;

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Re: Mudlet 3.0.0-beta (preview #2)

Post by Vadi »

That's pretty sweet. Nice work. Here's a stand-alone version:
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
local background_color = "#26192f"
local border_color = "#b8731b"

  QMainWindow {
     background: ]]..background_color..[[;
  QToolBar {
     background: ]]..background_color..[[;
  QToolButton {
     background: ]]..background_color..[[;
     border-style: solid;
     border-width: 2px;
     border-color: ]]..border_color..[[;
     border-radius: 5px;
     font-family: BigNoodleTitling;
     color: white;
     margin: 2px;
     font-size: 12pt;
  QDockWidget {
     background: ]]..border_color..[[;
  QStatusBar {
     background: ]]..border_color..[[;
  QScrollBar:vertical {
     background: ]]..background_color..[[;
     width: 15px;
     margin: 22px 0 22px 0;
  QScrollBar::handle:vertical {
     background-color: ]]..background_color..[[;
     min-height: 20px;
     border-width: 2px;
     border-style: solid;
     border-color: ]]..border_color..[[;
     border-radius: 7px;
  QScrollBar::add-line:vertical {
   background-color: ]]..background_color..[[;
   border-width: 2px;
   border-style: solid;
   border-color: ]]..border_color..[[;
   border-bottom-left-radius: 7px;
   border-bottom-right-radius: 7px;
        height: 15px;
        subcontrol-position: bottom;
        subcontrol-origin: margin;
  QScrollBar::sub-line:vertical {
   background-color: ]]..background_color..[[;
   border-width: 2px;
   border-style: solid;
   border-color: ]]..border_color..[[;
   border-top-left-radius: 7px;
   border-top-right-radius: 7px;
        height: 15px;
        subcontrol-position: top;
        subcontrol-origin: margin;
  QScrollBar::up-arrow:vertical, QScrollBar::down-arrow:vertical {
     background: white;
     width: 4px;
     height: 3px;
  QScrollBar::add-page:vertical, QScrollBar::sub-page:vertical {
     background: none;
The "<no GA> S:0.000" bottom-right is a QLineEdit, btw. It would probably be helpful if we gave it a name so you could target it directly.

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Re: Mudlet 3.0.0-beta (preview #2)

Post by dicene »

I'm having the same issue that Omni mentioned on the Alpha thread. Occasionally when exiting and restarting Mudlet, I lose entire scripts. I have yet to find a way to replicate this issue reliably, but it's hitting regularly enough to make me consider jumping back to 2.1. Seems to only occur when I'm actually closing Mudlet, like if I'm restarting the computer itself or something along those lines, but I could be mistaken about that and the script's contents could still be running even after the script has been cleared, causing me not to notice.

Looking into the actual profile xml document, this is an idea of the kind of information loss I'm getting hit with:



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Re: Mudlet 3.0.0-beta (preview #2)

Post by Vadi »

Yeah, the scripts contents still run when it is cleared. You would be able to detect this by hitting the 'save profile' button.

Does it happen if you ignore going into the variables view completely?

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Re: Mudlet 3.0.0-beta (preview #2)

Post by dicene »

If the script is disappearing while I've got Mudlet running, I've yet to notice. My issue is that with normal use and saving the profile and closing Mudlet properly, I can load the same profile I was using and a script can just be empty. It doesn't run at all at that point. It could be that the script is clearing and running in the background like you say, but when I save profile, the script is saved as empty into the profile and isn't being initialized at all the next time Mudlet is open(which could be what you're suggesting, although I'm not sure by the wording of your reply).

And honestly, I have only very rarely used the variables view and I sometimes go almost a whole day without closing/reopening Mudlet, so it's hard to know if the variables view has been used in any particular session. I'll avoid it entirely though for the next few days and will report back whether it occurs again.

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Re: Mudlet 3.0.0-beta (preview #2)

Post by Vadi »

Yeah, it would be cleared while running and you'd see it blank.

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Re: Mudlet 3.0.0-beta (preview #2)

Post by dicene »

Yeah, I guess I'm just not actively noticing when it does turn blank.

In other news, after fooling around for a minute I found a very quick way to replicate it. I'm not sure if this is exactly what caused this issue on the instances where it happened during normal use in the past, as I very rarely make use of arrow keys while in Mudlet, and can't remember ever intentionally navigating with the arrow keys through those menus.

- Select a script with your mouse
- Navigate up or down at least 1 item with your arrow keys
- Switch to any other tab

This is consistently clearing the script box of any trigger/alias/script, and I'd assume it would effect keys and macros as well. It is happening regardless of what tab you switch to, so it's not limited to just navigating to the variables tab. And when saving the profile after this process, the script is in fact being saved blank to the profile.

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Re: Mudlet 3.0.0-beta (preview #2)

Post by Vadi »

I've confirmed that, thank you.

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Re: Mudlet 3.0.0-beta (preview #2)

Post by Akaya »

The "<no GA> S:0.000" bottom-right is a QLineEdit, btw. It would probably be helpful if we gave it a name so you could target it directly.
Yeah... There are a few I couldn't target specifically. QToolBar off the top of my head.

About the sendMSDP function...
I can't seem to report more than one variable at a time...
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
Works just fine. But say I need HEALTH and MANA. Do I need to loop through a table of variables? Or can it work kind of like so...
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
tried all 3 of these btw to no avail (except for the last one which actually did report health)
Last edited by Akaya on Sat Oct 04, 2014 5:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mudlet 3.0.0-beta (preview #2)

Post by Akaya »

a bit more research and I found this:

Which is exactly what I'm talking about.

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