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Fullscreen trouble

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 4:37 am
by Violette
Hello, how goes it!

I enjoy Mudlet, but here is what happens when I want it to stay in Fullscreen mode (I use Mac OS; Mudlet 3.0.0). It inevitably shrinks on its own to a tiny little square on the lower left size of the screen, though a background fullscreen window of all black is still up. I've tried resizing the little square to as large a window as possible, but it "springs back" into the same square.

Thank you......

Re: Fullscreen trouble

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 4:12 am
by SlySven
Do you have more than one screen/monitor?

Are you running with the netbook/small screen option set - that will put the full-screen toggle button on the Main Toolbar (though for some odd reason it uses totally the wrong icon for it)? Having just looked at the code in that area I see that the current code can get a bit confused between the normal - maximized - full-screen state (and it does not track the maximized state).

I do not not enough about Mac OS to say how to switch between various window states though I know that on my Linux box Alt-F3 brings up a useful control for these things (I just found I could remove the borders from the browser window I am typing this in on!)

If you want to remove the enforced full screen setting that using the netbook/small screen gives you and you cannot get a big enough screen to work in you can delete the zero length file: "mudlet_option_use_smallscreen" that is used to save the setting between sessions. It is in the base directory that Mudlet stores it's data in - though where THAT will be on a Mac I do not know off the top of my head...

See below (taken from a snapshot from my PC that is running Mudlet full-screen - on the bottom screen as I currently use two - and with a file manager running in the top one showing the file used to save the setting):

Re: Fullscreen trouble

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 11:20 am
by Jor'Mox
The problem is 3.0.0-delta for the Mac OS. It has a very similar issue regardless of how you have the window set up, and constantly tries to resize to an unusably small window size. I recommend using either 2.1, or compiling a more recent version from the current code base, either of which does not suffer from this. I don't remember exactly where, but someone has a thread up with a later compiled version of 3.0.0 for the Mac, which has worked fairly well for me so far.

Re: Fullscreen trouble

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 12:58 pm
by Nyyrazzilyss

That thread has links to binaries built about 5 months ago. I do know OSX users have mentioned it works much better. They are pre-release / un-official binaries i.e. use at own risk. I believe there's likely to be an official binary showing up real soon now if you prefer to wait.

Re: Fullscreen trouble

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:01 pm
by Violette
Thank you for helping me. Installing an earlier version solved the issue!

Re: Fullscreen trouble

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:53 pm
by Nyyrazzilyss
3.0-epsilon was released over the weekend - It has all of the osx fixes working in it.

There is however a known bug when creating new profiles: It will crash when you start creating one, however, if you restart mudlet after the crash the profile will now exist and you can edit/use it. This has been fixed, and an updated version is expected to be created in the next couple weeks.

Re: Fullscreen trouble

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 11:30 pm
by Violette
Nyyrazzilyss wrote:3.0-epsilon was released over the weekend - It has all of the osx fixes working in it.

There is however a known bug when creating new profiles: It will crash when you start creating one, however, if you restart mudlet after the crash the profile will now exist and you can edit/use it. This has been fixed, and an updated version is expected to be created in the next couple weeks.
Ah, thank you. Mudlet is a super sweet MUD client