Mudlet Mapper issue

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Mudlet Mapper issue

Post by Idryl »

Hi everyone.

This is a problem I've been facing for a while now, so I thought I'd ask here for possible solutions:

Whenever I update the map of the mudlet mapper in Lusternia (download button in the mapper tab), the mapper window goes black and fails to display the 2D map. It still shows the room name, info and ID and is able to track my movement, but the actual map gets replaced by a black background. I tried restarting mudlet (using 2.1), re-importing the mapper and it didn't help.

I'll appreciate any possible solutions to this, thank you!

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Re: Mudlet Mapper issue

Post by SlySven »

Am I right in thinking that afterwards you have NO map at all - I've found that there are issues in the loading of the map.xml file that is downloaded in that if it is compressed the unzipping process falls over if there are sub-directories in the zip file and the zip does NOT include the sub-directories as explicit (zero size) entries in that zip as I think per zip guidelines...

This being the case there is not an easy way around it that I can see ATM. The downloading and reading of the XML map file is automated so even if you could get the file manually there is not a way that current versions will allow you to read it in manually. If this IS what is happening you might ask the Lusternia sysops in the meantime (an IRE MUD if I'm not mistaken) whether the file compressor they are using is configured correctly and includes the zero-length items ending in '/' to indicate sub-directories. It is probably the cause behind our bug 141306. I'd better get a fix for that one, and a separate one to read XML map files manually, polished and out of the door... :geek:

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Re: Mudlet Mapper issue

Post by SlySven »

A second bug I am seeing is that an XML file import done by a IRE Map "auto" download may not be installing all the "rooms" it creates into the "area" structures - if that is the case then the lua command getRooms() will return a list of all the rooms and if that is working as a workaround until I can get a fix out for THAT I'd suggest writing a script for a recent 3.0.0 preview version that examines each room in turn and moves the room to a different [Edit 2016-08-04:]area[/edit] (or uses the lua resetRoomArea( roomId ) that is in the later 3.0.0 previews) and then moves the room to the area it reported when you first examined it with the lua setRoomArea( roomId, areaId )... this will recreated and fix each area's idea of which rooms belong in it - and thus those will now get drawn when that area is on display in the mapper.

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