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Ordering pets to move

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:19 am
by daviewart
Hi guys,

I am looking for advice and perhaps a clue on how to convert a set of commands from Vadi's map. Whereby they order a pet to move in the directions to drop of an item to newbies.

(mapper): w, n, ne, ne, e, e, se, se, s, e, e, s, ne, ne, se, e, ne, n, ne, nw, w, up, up, sw, s, e,
up, up, up, w, ne, n, se, n, n, e, ne, n, n, ne, ne, w, ne, ne, ne, n, n, e, ne, n, nw, nw, nw, n,
n, n, n, n, n, n, ne, n, se, e, e, e, se, se, sw, se, e, se, s, e, se

Focusing more on this section:

(mapper): w, n, ne, ne, e, e, se, se, s, e, e, s, ne, ne, se, e, ne, n, ne, nw, w, up, up, sw, s, e,
up, up, up, w, ne, n, se, n, n, e, ne, n, n, ne, ne, w, ne, ne, ne, n, n, e, ne, n, nw, nw, nw, n,
n, n, n, n, n, n, ne, n, se, e, e, e, se, se, sw, se, e, se, s, e, se

So that it captures the line given it maybe only 3 steps or 50 steps. I tried to see if I could do this to test if it captures.
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
^\(mapper\) (.+)\,  (.+)\.$

followed by:
send("tell pet go " ..matches[1])
send("tell pet go " ..matches[2]) 
This did nothing except once it spammed this:
You tell porky, "Go e, s."
Anyone got a clue on how to do this? As it could be a fun script to use for newbie that join in order to help them out

Re: Ordering pets to move

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:35 pm
by SlySven
I'm a novice on that part of things but I wonder if the indexes used for "matches[x]" is right - don't you have to start the numbering at '2' for the first match (IIRC matches[1] might have the whole line or something like that...?) :?

Re: Ordering pets to move

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 4:27 pm
by EulersIdentity
You can capture the entire string of directions, then split the string up.

Trigger: ^\(mapper\) (.+)\.$
Set up this function:
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
function splitAtComma (str)
	local splitted = {}
	str = tostring(str:gsub(",",""))
	if string.find(str," ") then
		for word in string.gmatch(str, "%a+") do
        return splitted
Then in the trigger script have it do:
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
directions = splitAtComma(matches[2])   -- directions is now an array of the directions
-- now send a tell for each element in the array
for i,v in ipairs(directions) do
     send("tell pet go "..v)
Alternatively, just TELL PORKY Download Mudlet and do your own damn autopathing.