GMCP - counting how many of an item in a room

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GMCP - counting how many of an item in a room

Post by iron »

How would I count multiple items in a room using GMCP and do something different depending on if there were one or two (or more) of them?

Currently I have:

for _, v in pairs(gmcp.Char.Items.List.items) do
if == "a monolith sigil" then
info("A monolith is here!")

If I am in a room with two monoliths, it will send the info message twice. What I would ideally like to do, however, is to have one info message if there is only one monolith sigil in the room (saying 'Get another sigil!') and a second info message if there are two or more monolith sigils in the room (saying 'All safe here!')

Any help or guidance is much appreciated.


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Re: GMCP - counting how many of an item in a room

Post by Belgarath »

This should do it for ya:
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
local c = 0
for k,v in pairs(gmcp.Char.Items.List.Items) do
  if == "a monolity sigil" then
    c = c + 1
if c == 1 then
  info("Get another sigil!")
elseif c == 2 then
  info("All safe here!")

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