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Updating timers

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 2:02 pm
by lucifer

I am trying to start a "countdown timer" when I see a particular line of text. This works well, but then I need to update the timer when I receive another line of text. Example:

1) I see the substring "You turn into a vampire." and start a countdown from 30 to 0.

2) I see the substring "The moon is full." and now I want to delete the previous countdown timer and start a new one counting down from 25. I am doing this in the same spot where the previous one was being drawn, so it must be removed.

I am currently doing 1), but not 2) as all my approaches fail, since I don't know how to keep track of the variable "id" between calls to the trigger. The input is specified on line 0 and line 1, so I will be checking something like: if line == "The moon is full" then <remove the old timer and start a new one> end.
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
totalTicks = 35

-- Countdown for regular shape shift
for tick=1, totalTicks do
    id = tempTimer(tick, 
        GUI.EffectIcon11:echo(totalTicks - tick)
        -- Last tick
        if tick == totalTicks then

Re: Updating timers

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 2:36 pm
by Vadi
Using this way, I think you'd need to keep track of all the id's you create in a table and then delete all the timers when you have to delete the previous timer prematurely.

You could also try using a permTimer that counts the amount of ticks instead and self-deletes when you've got enough tickets or something needs to change - might be simpler!

Re: Updating timers

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 1:10 am
by Nyyrazzilyss
Below is the timer script I wrote/use. It creates a single incrementing master timer, and then provides functions to create new countdown timers based off that master timer. They're named (not numbered), and if a function exists matching their name that function is called every second + on expiry.
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
timer = timer or {}
timer.values = timer.values or {}

-- Usage:
-- timer:init() - create master timer
-- timer:get(xname) - return current value or nil
-- timer:set(xname, xduration) -- set timer 'xname' to value 'xduration' (duration=nil removes timer)
-- timer:custom - if created, this script will be called every second after timers update
-- If a function exists matching the name of the timer, it will be called every second with ("timer", functionname)
-- passed as an argument. When timers expire (reach 0) the timer will be deleted and the associated
-- function will be called with arguments ("expire", functionname)

function timer:init()
	if exists("MudTimer", "timer") == 0 then
		permTimer("MudTimer", "", 1, [[timer:script()]] )


function timer:set(xname, xduration)
	self.values[xname] = xduration

function timer:get(xname)
	if self.values[xname] == nil then

	return (self.values[xname])

function timer:script()
	-- decrement all timers
	for k, v in pairs(timer.values) do
		timer.values[k] = timer.values[k]-1

		-- Timer has reached 0 (expired)
		if timer.values[k] < 1 and k ~= "" then
			timer.values[k] = nil	

			if _G[k] == nil then
				--echoDebug("<red>[ " .. k .. " function is nil]\n")
				_G[k]("expire", k)
			-- have timer called every second with "timer" as argument
			if _G[k] == nil then
				--echoDebug("<red>[ " .. k .. " function is nil]\n")
				_G[k]("timer", k)

	if timer.custom ~= nil then

Re: Updating timers

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 7:05 pm
by lucifer
Thanks a lot for the advice! permTimer seems to solve the problem for me. I came up with the following solution, which is simple enough.

I don't really like that I need to look for a specific text, e.g. "You call upon your ..." and I also ought to search for that particular substring in the trigger definition, but I guess there is no way to access the line called "0" and the one called "1" etc. Anyway, this works:
Code: [show] | [select all] lua
-- Lycanthrope-specific timers
if line == "You call upon your lycanthrope powers!!" then
    formDuration = 315
elseif line == "You are reminded of your ties to the moon." then
    formDuration = 25

function tick()
    formDuration = formDuration - 1
    if formDuration == 0 then

if exists("formtimer", "timer") == 0 then
    permTimer("formtimer", "", 1, [[ tick() ]])