Been trying to do some triggering for MUDs with cyrillic. I'm new to lua and Mudlet. Guys explained that non-ASCII characters are not yet in place. Version 4.0 possibly. So tried to do some workaround. I noticed that I can get some utf8 codes of incomming strings with for example. Those codes are strange. Smth like if take koi8r encode it to ascii and then try to get the utf8 codes. Or I'm not even close with that. Encoding was always far from my understanding
Why didnt they all used one since the beginning??
Well I managed to make some translation module from those codes. Please advise me with some optimization and code structure! Or just say that I'm doing all wrong
What I did.
First, I got all char codes I whanted to translate with this simple inline lua:
lua for p, c in"абвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщьыъэюяАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЬЫЪЭЮЯ") do echo("\n"..c) end
Then I put them all in a table like this:
koi8rCodeTable = koi8rCodeTable or {}
koi8rCodeTable = {
[224] = "а",
[225] = "б",
[226] = "в",
[227] = "г",
[228] = "д",
[229] = "е",
[230] = "ж",
[231] = "з",
[232] = "и",
[233] = "й",
[234] = "к",
[235] = "л",
[236] = "м",
[237] = "н",
[238] = "о",
[239] = "п",
[240] = "р",
[241] = "с",
[242] = "т",
[243] = "у",
[244] = "ф",
[245] = "х",
[246] = "ц",
[247] = "ч",
[248] = "ш",
[249] = "щ",
[252] = "ь",
[251] = "ы",
[250] = "ъ",
[253] = "э",
[254] = "ю",
[255] = "я",
[192] = "А",
[193] = "Б",
[194] = "В",
[195] = "Г",
[196] = "Д",
[197] = "Е",
[198] = "Ж",
[199] = "З",
[200] = "И",
[201] = "Й",
[202] = "К",
[203] = "Л",
[204] = "М",
[205] = "Н",
[206] = "О",
[207] = "П",
[208] = "Р",
[209] = "С",
[210] = "Т",
[211] = "У",
[212] = "Ф",
[213] = "Х",
[214] = "Ц",
[215] = "Ч",
[216] = "Ш",
[217] = "Щ",
[220] = "Ь",
[219] = "Ы",
[218] = "Ъ",
[221] = "Э",
[222] = "Ю",
[223] = "Я"}
Wrote a lil module with one function:
nonASCII = nonASCII or {}
nonASCII.currentCodeTable = koi8rCodeTable
function nonASCII:translate(nonASCIIString)
local ASCIICharsTable = {}
for p, code in do
if self.currentCodeTable[code] ~= nil then
table.insert(ASCIICharsTable, self.currentCodeTable[code])
table.insert(ASCIICharsTable, utf8.char(code))
return table.concat(ASCIICharsTable)
And tested it with triggering promt line (unfortunatelly no GMCP in the MUD I play). Thats the regex (last group is for exits):
Code: Select all
(\d+)H (\d+)M (\d+)V (\d+)X (\d+)C Вых:(.+)>
And the test code finally. Echoing translated exits:
promptExits = nonASCII:translate(matches[7])