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Requests for 2d/3d mapper

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 11:19 am
by Ornir
A couple of the big things I would really like to see in a mapper are:

1.) Overlays. Like labels on top of the rooms, that allow me to add arbitrary icons to the room that show different information at a glance, i.e a water drop for a water source, a red X for a dangerous mobile, a small plant for a herb load spot, etc.

2.) Displaying z-axis changes without ACTUALLY changing the Z-axis in the map. It is important to me to be able to see where I am going instantly, especially in a PK situation, therefore I like to have everything on one level of the map with lines connecting the various exits. If it is not possible due to room density, then z-axis changes are ok.

3.) Annotations. I like to put labels on the map showing different information, like maze directions, etc.

Here is the mapper I use with my current MUD ( - The mapper is mmapper2:

Re: Requests for 2d/3d mapper

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 12:30 pm
by Heiko
1. This is already in the works.
2. I'm not entirely sure what you mean. I assume that you mean up/down/in/out exits? These are already shown on the map. Please upgrade to the latest Mudlet-2.0-rc3 release
3. I'd need more information on how this should look exactly.

Re: Requests for 2d/3d mapper

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 12:48 pm
by Ornir
Heiko, thanks for the response.

for number2 - I mean that you can have all rooms visible at one time. In 2d mode, you dont see up/down rooms until you go there, at least in the maps I have seen.

For number 3, check out the link I posted, there are some screenshots there.

Re: Requests for 2d/3d mapper

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 7:12 pm
by mudlettest
Wanted functionality (if does not exist yet):

1. Mapper to be able to show any z-level in 2D view. E.g. to have buttons Up and Down, that would change display to show level above or below currently shown level.

2. Mapper to be able to move group of rooms across Z-level also. For example, dialog on group selection of rooms, which would have deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ for move operation. Also, would be nice if selection for rooms could be made across multiple z-layers (for this, suggestion #1 must exist, to be able to select anything from different layer at all)

Addition: currently, when you select room on some leve in 2D view, it also selects room above the selection. Not really good thing.

Re: Requests for 2d/3d mapper

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 12:40 am
by Vadi
Changing the ID of a room would be helpful in some situations as well.